What we’re about
Looking for a Chicago board game group that plays games with deeper strategy than Pandemic and Codenames? You've come to the right place! We play mid to heavyweight games (hence the name). How is this possible? Everyone signs up for a game in advance and watches a brief tutorial in advance of the meeting so we don't waste time learning the basics. You're not left wondering if you'll have a group to play with and what game you'll play, and you get a great breadth of games to play!
Games will be listed in advance with available open spaces so you have the certainty of meeting some folks and playing a particular game with other players, and players have an interest in providing themes and offering up games to bring to events. We use a google sign-up sheet that is linked in each invite, but we inform the schedule with your feedback and requests. When you sign up for a game, tutorial videos are linked in the google sheet since you need to come with at least a basic understanding of what's going on to meet the time constraints, which are 6p-10p. Lastly, we support the venue (Fat Cat) since they're letting use their space for free.
If you're a board game geek into mechanics, design, and looking for similar folks to have drinks/snacks and play games with, you've come to the right place!
Upcoming events (1)
See all- Heavyweight Games 3/12: Struggle, Endeavor, Saltfjord, Battlestar, OrleansFat Cat, Chicago, IL
Join the Heavyweight Games crew at FatCat on Wednesday, March 12 for: Struggle of Empires Deluxe, Saltfjord, Endeavor: Deep Sea, Battlestar Galactica, and Orleans!
3 things to remember....Reserve a space for a game by:
- Signing up in advance on the google doc linked below and
- RSVP in meetup using the rsvp button
- Watch the linked tutorial in the google doc sign-up sheet (the rulebooks are linked too) - our group arrives ready to play (with some light overviews) - that's how we're able to play heavier games in under four hours!
Sign up here >>> ***Heavyweight Games Sign-Up*** <<< Sign up here
which renders best on DESKTOP or GOOGLE SHEETS mobile app. Click a link below to learn more, links to BGG. Downloading the Meetup app is the best way to ensure you get new invite updates!
BGG Game Links (See Google Doc above for Tutorials, Rulebook)
- Struggle of Empires (up to 7)
- Endeavor: Deep Sea
- Saltfjord
- Orleans
- Battlestar Galactica (requires 5)
Some rules:
- Have fun and make some friends. This is an incredibly dynamic group of fun folks that we've fostered over the last year. Make some friends! Share contact info!
- Come knowing how to play. It's what makes our group different.
- Support the venue: You're getting to play a free game in an establishment giving up money-making real estate. Be a good human and contribute.
- Hard Stop at 10p. We don't want to get in trouble for staying beyond our window and making service staff stay late. We're lucky to have a place to play and they're lucky to have our business, so help us keep that kumbaya.
- If you have to back out, kindly remove your RSVP and name from the GoogleDoc. Backing out more than twice in a month within 24hrs of meetup time will get you removed from our group - we're laid back, but seeing prepared folks show up alone at FatCat without a game buddy makes this rule necessary.