What we’re about
Hello Trauma is a support community for people healing from the effects of complex and childhood trauma. We are currently virtual.
We offer healing courses as well as community support. This community is ideal for anyone considering or in the process of healing.
If therapy is out of reach for you, we offer resources and coaching that can still guide you in the healing process.
Upcoming events (2)
See all- The Self-Care Social HourLink visible for attendees
Welcome to the Self-Care Social Hour.
This is group is...
- A place to connect with others dealing with life in the shadow of childhood trauma and other bumps in the road
- A safe place to share our "wins and wobbles," as they say
- Somewhere you can get support (and offer support!) so you can return to the chaos of the "real world" afterward feeling bit more sane than when you arrived
How it all works:
- You can join any, all, or some of the MeetUps.
- We will meet once per week for about an hour.
- We will get to know each other slowly and aim to build rapport and trust over time.
- When we show up, we agree to say at the very least say, "Hi." and possibly turn on the camera. (Your call.) But at the very least, participate in some way that contributes to others in the group.
- We will be authentic, respectful, and gentle with ourselves and each other, both within the meetings and outside of the meetings.
Then, we will talk about self-care. I will start with a story or some ideas and suggestions before bringing the conversation around to inviting everyone to join in. I might ask a few questions, but nothing deeply personal or triggering. Mainly things like this:
- What is a self-care goal of yours?
- What does it feel like when you try to move toward that goal?
- What do you think is stopping you from meeting that goal?
- What is one step you think you can take toward that goal in the next week?
We will share and talk for about an hour, and then we will wrap up, maybe offer one another a few virtual hugs, and return to our week inspired, calmed, and ready to see if we can take that next small step forward.
These meetings are complimentary, though your support is greatly appreciated. You can buy me a coffee here:
☕ https://buymeacoffee.com/hellotrauma
If you are looking for 1:1 support, you are also invited to connect with me via a complimentary Clarity Call using this link: https://www.hellotrauma.com/discovery-call/
Many thanks to all who attend and help make this group the safe space that it is.
Peace to all, and I look forward to our continued gatherings together.
Ariana Ziminsky
Disclaimer: The Self-Care Social Hour, Hello Trauma, LLC, and Ariana Ziminsky do not diagnose or treat any mental disorder as defined by the America Psychiatric Association. The Self-Care Social Hour is not a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, substance abuse treatment, or other professional advice by legal, medical, or other qualified professionals, and it is the responsibility of the guest to seek independent professional care as needed. - The Self-Care Social HourLink visible for attendees
Welcome to the Self-Care Social Hour.
This is group is...
- A place to connect with others dealing with life in the shadow of childhood trauma and other bumps in the road
- A safe place to share our "wins and wobbles," as they say
- Somewhere you can get support (and offer support!) so you can return to the chaos of the "real world" afterward feeling bit more sane than when you arrived
How it all works:
- You can join any, all, or some of the MeetUps.
- We will meet once per week for about an hour.
- We will get to know each other slowly and aim to build rapport and trust over time.
- When we show up, we agree to say at the very least say, "Hi." and possibly turn on the camera. (Your call.) But at the very least, participate in some way that contributes to others in the group.
- We will be authentic, respectful, and gentle with ourselves and each other, both within the meetings and outside of the meetings.
Then, we will talk about self-care. I will start with a story or some ideas and suggestions before bringing the conversation around to inviting everyone to join in. I might ask a few questions, but nothing deeply personal or triggering. Mainly things like this:
- What is a self-care goal of yours?
- What does it feel like when you try to move toward that goal?
- What do you think is stopping you from meeting that goal?
- What is one step you think you can take toward that goal in the next week?
We will share and talk for about an hour, and then we will wrap up, maybe offer one another a few virtual hugs, and return to our week inspired, calmed, and ready to see if we can take that next small step forward.
These meetings are complimentary, though your support is greatly appreciated. You can buy me a coffee here:
☕ https://buymeacoffee.com/hellotrauma
If you are looking for 1:1 support, you are also invited to connect with me via a complimentary Clarity Call using this link: https://www.hellotrauma.com/discovery-call/
Many thanks to all who attend and help make this group the safe space that it is.
Peace to all, and I look forward to our continued gatherings together.
Ariana Ziminsky
Disclaimer: The Self-Care Social Hour, Hello Trauma, LLC, and Ariana Ziminsky do not diagnose or treat any mental disorder as defined by the America Psychiatric Association. The Self-Care Social Hour is not a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, substance abuse treatment, or other professional advice by legal, medical, or other qualified professionals, and it is the responsibility of the guest to seek independent professional care as needed.