What we’re about
FreeWalkers.org is a social network dedicated to exploring life on foot, for walkers and hikers interested in participating in long-distance walking events in the Mid-Atlantic region. Membership is free and open to everyone. We support each member's effort to reach their own goals of fitness and enjoyment as we walk together, explore our surroundings, and promote pro-pedestrian interests.
FreeWalkers has thousands of members and hosts dozens of long-distance walking events each year in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York, as well as many in Maryland, Delaware and Virginia. Most walks are supported by mass transit for easy access and return, and are between ten and fifty miles in length. Some walks are longer multi-day or shorter distance events. We have all kinds of walks, but we are most known for our longer distance walking events. Some of our walks offer shorter 5k to 10k options.
Walkers are free to move at their own pace and distance. It is not necessary for a walk to be completed or timed, only enjoyed. Our walks expose members to countless locations of scenic beauty, historic importance, and pedestrian convenience, all with the benefit of social support, event organization and the opportunity to engage with interesting fellow walkers.
We are an IRS-approved 501(c)3 non-profit and your tax-free donations help us create free and low-cost walks that are interesting, challenging and open to everyone. We manage multiple regional FreeWalkers groups on Meetup. We do encourage joining freewalkers.org and actively supporting our partners and sponsors who help make these events possible. At our website, you can browse photos of our events, learn about our history and mission, and read about the experiences of some of our walkers.
Look for our many walks every year in greater New York City, many parts of New Jersey including Hudson, Union, Middlesex, Somerset, Union, Morris, Monmouth, Mercer and Burlington County; Southeastern Pennsylvania including Philadelphia, Bucks and Montgomery County; Delaware and greater Washington DC. Join us on nature hikes, city walks, history walking tours, long-distance walks, scenic walks and themed walking outings.
Why you might like to join the FreeWalkers:
• Did you ever wonder how far you could walk?
• Would you like to know more about the places you walk?
• Are you more interested in accomplishing personal goals than winning a race?
• Are you the type of person who can't pass up an interesting challenge or adventure?
• Have you ever longed to get out of your car and experience what a community is really like?
• Do you believe you spend nearly as many calories walking as running but over a longer period of time?
• Are you looking for a sport where social interaction is possible?
• Are you looking for an alternative exercise routine that's both easy on the body and builds endurance?
We look forward to seeing you at our next event. Walk the Walk! It's good for you, good for us and good for the greater community. Get out there for your first FreeWalk, and you will be glad that you did.
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Spring Ahead Walk: XNJTrenton Transit Center, Trenton, NJ
Kicking off the Cross-Jersey Challenge with an old favorite. Time to get moving again! Part of the 100-mile Cross-Jersey Challenge.
Start: Trenton Transit Center
Finish: Princeton Station, Princeton, NJ
Distance: 14mi
Return: train or bus
Coordinator: Charles Updike,916-225-0569
Transit: Arrive via NJTransit or Septa. Return via NJTransit. Walkers finish at about the same time and hop on the train or walk into town and return to Trenton on the 606 bus.Please register for FREE to attend.
This year we will head north after Calhoun Street, cross the Roebling pedestrian bridge into Stacy Park, and enjoy a more natural course through Trenton.
A 14-mile walk from city to country. This half day event along with the 28-mile Great Canal Walk covers the distance from Trenton to New Brunswick along the D&R Canal which one can choose to complete in one day on the Great Canal Walk. This first leg, the Spring Ahead Walk traditionally is a casual walk to size up the trail and get back into your walking groove. The walking event, like nearly all FreeWalks, is free and open to anyone.
Free parking is available at the Princeton train station. Best parking in Trenton is across the street at the Riverline parking lot, $7.
The FreeWalkers are again offering the Cross-Jersey Walking Challenge, with a goal of walking the 100 miles of the East Coast Greenway across the entire state at any time during the year. This walk is part of the ECG trail from Trenton to New York City. You have the option of completing the challenge over three to five days.
-Mill Hill Park
-Old Barracks
-State Capitol
-Roebling pedestrian bridge
-Stacy Park
-Battle of Trenton Monument
-D and R Canal towpathSpring 2025 Cross Jersey Challenge
Mar 22 Spring Ahead Walk (optional) 14mi
Apr 5 Great Canal Walk 28/40mi
Apr 27 Kruimer Walk 13mi
May 17 Paul's Big Walk 24/50mi
May 31 Staten Island Marathon Walk (optional) 22/26miPartners:
The East Coast Greenway Alliance is a non-profit organization developing a public multi-use 3,000 mile trail from Canada to Key West through New Jersey and New York. Donations and memberships help make this dream trail a reality.
Circuit Trails is 800 miles of interconnected trails in Greater Philadelphia in the making, already one of America's largest trail networks. Once connected, the Circuit Trails will be one of the nation's premier urban trail networks and it will provide multiple benefits to neighborhoods, communities and the region as a whole.
The 9/11 National Memorial Trail is a network of over 1,300 miles of trails connecting New York City, the Pentagon and Shanksville, Pennsylvania, in tribute to the heroes who perished on September 11, 2001, and the heroes who, in response, answered the call for their country.
The FreeWalkers are again offering the Cross-Jersey Walking Challenge, with a goal of walking the 100 miles of the East Coast Greenway across the entire state at any time during the year. This walk is part of the ECG trail from Trenton to New York City. - Marilyn Walks Manhattan: block by blockNeeds location
This is an Everwalk being cross-posted by Freewalkers.
THE ONLY WAY TO REGISTER FOR THIS FREE WALK and for more details CLICK : https://www.marilynwalksmanhattan.com/
Over two days, on March 29th & 30th, 2025, explore the hidden treasures of Upper Manhattan (10 miles) and Roosevelt Island (5 miles), covering up to 15 miles of Marilyn Menick's quest to walk every street in Manhattan! Whether you choose to walk some or all of the route or join us for fun pay-your-own-way after walk get togethers, we welcome you! EverWalk founders Diana Nyad and Bonnie Stoll are expected to join us on Saturday, March 29th.
- The Great Canal Walk: XNJTurning Basin Park, Princeton, NJ
Join us on one of Jersey's best trails on our way to New York City. Part of the 100-mile Cross-Jersey Challenge.
Start: Turning Basin Park, Princeton
Optional start: Trenton Transit Center (6am)
Finish: New Brunswick Station
Distance: 28/40mi
Where to find us: Meet at Turning Basin Park (or in Trenton by 6am sharp, or at Princeton Station by 9:30am.
Terrain: Mostly gravel
Transit: NJ Transit or Septa to Trenton or Princeton Station, with a short walk from Princeton Station to Turning Basin Park.
Return: NJ Transit rail
Parking: Free parking at Princeton Station, Turning Basin Park, or $7 parking at Trenton River Line parking lot across from the station.
Difficulty: Expert - a challenging distance
Category: nature
Coordinator: Charles Updike - 916-225-0569,Please register for FREE to attend.
(Optional ) Walk the full 40-mile walk starting early at 6 am in Trenton.
One of our best challenge walks. The route is generally quiet and remote, with few road crossings, a few portajohns along the way, and no provisions available on the route. Be sure to bring plenty of fluids and food for the journey.
(Landing Lane spillway is reconstructed and the full towpath is open.)
The FreeWalkers are again offering the Cross-Jersey Walking Challenge, with a goal of walking the 100 miles of the East Coast Greenway across the entire state at any time during the year. This walk is part of the ECG trail from Trenton to New York City. You have the option of completing the challenge over three to five days. Option 1: Complete the 40-mile Great Canal Walk from Trenton to New Brunswick in one day, or walk the Spring Ahead to Princeton and do the 28-mile Great Canal Walk from Princeton. Option 2: Complete the 50-mile Big Walk in one day, or walk 24 miles of the Big Walk to Elizabeth and complete the remaining 26 miles on the Staten Island Marathon Walk.Highlights:
D & R Canal towpathSpring 2025 Cross Jersey Challenge
Mar 22 Spring Ahead Walk (optional) 14mi
Apr 5 Great Canal Walk 28/40mi
Apr 27 Kruimer Walk 13mi
May 17 Paul's Big Walk 24/50mi
May 31 Staten Island Marathon Walk (optional) 22/26miPartners:
The East Coast Greenway Alliance is a non-profit organization developing a public multi-use 3,000 mile trail from Canada to Key West through New Jersey and New York. Donations and memberships help make this dream trail a reality.
Circuit Trails is 800 miles of interconnected trails in Greater Philadelphia in the making, already one of America's largest trail networks. Once connected, the Circuit Trails will be one of the nation's premier urban trail networks and it will provide multiple benefits to neighborhoods, communities and the region as a whole.
The 9/11 National Memorial Trail is a network of over 1,300 miles of trails connecting New York City, the Pentagon and Shanksville, Pennsylvania, in tribute to the heroes who perished on September 11, 2001, and the heroes who, in response, answered the call for their country.
The FreeWalkers are again offering the Cross-Jersey Walking Challenge, with a goal of walking the 100 miles of the East Coast Greenway across the entire state at any time during the year. This walk is part of the ECG trail from Trenton to New York City.