Join me on a 6.5-mile moderately-fast paced hike. The pace is 2-2.5 mph, please don’t sign up if you cannot maintain this pace. No dogs. Hike is limited to 8 hikers max. This Is the link to
Take 165 to Frosty Hollow Rd. We'll meet at the Frosty Hollow Pond Fishing Area parking lot which is 3/4 of a mile down the road. We will hike along the Shelter Trail and Breakheart trail for a loop of 6.5 miles.
Blaze Orange - IS REQUIRED
Sufficient drinking water, snacks, and proper hiking attire are required.
Liability Waiver:
As a condition of your voluntary participation in this activity you acknowledge and agree to the following: this activity involves inherent risks that can cause property damage, injury, illness, disability, and/or death to participants and/or others; you assume all risk associated with this activity; you are responsible for having the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities, clothing, and equipment to safely participate in this activity; you know and will follow the Hiker Responsibility Code; the organizer(s) of this activity are volunteers; and you for yourself, your heirs, executors, and administrators release, hold harmless, and indemnify the organizer(s) and all members of this group from any and all claims for property damage, injury, illness, disability, and/or death - including those caused by negligence and/or other reasons.