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What we’re about

We are the select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of every horror group, horror book club, or horror society. We are not for the weak. 😈 - if you have to ask yourself if you are an elite, then you are not an elite.

This group will read 1 horror novel a month, longer if needed. You will be required to buy the book prior to our start date of reading it.

We will meet once a month to discuss the book that we have read and express our opinions, likes, dislikes, etc. Essentially, we will get together and talk about the book, and have everyone share their ideas and perspectives.

In addition, there may be message board questions/prompts to see where everyone is at prior to meeting in person.

Going forward we will do a vote to pick the next horror book to read.

Meetings are held at a local cafe or library... we can all decide on that together.

Group Norms:
- Make your best effort to complete the book
- Come ready to both share AND listen 
- Be ready to back up your opinions with the "Why" 
- Self-censor 
- Have a great time — if you stop enjoying it, let the leader (me) know

Please note, we are also located on Facebook at Collinsville Connecticut’s Horror Book Club - Elite | Facebook. Please join our Facebook group for a more interactive setting where we will discuss our favorite books, horror book news, and horror book/book fairs, etc. !!