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What we’re about

We are starting a discord for people to play various games or chat together on, and talk about 40k too. If you would like to join it please message Brent or Alian for a link.

Welcome to Hugs 4 Harlequins, we are a friendly group focusing primarily on Warhammer 40k game nights. Other events possible based on interest. The wife and I have started this group as a way to find like minded people to share the hobby with, while also introducing new players to 40k. We have been playing for just 2-3 years now, and are open to anyone be they are long time vet who grumbles about the old days or a new rookie. Our group currently has 3 tables to play on complete with gaming mats and terrain. We also have some community armies for people to learn with if they aren't sure about 40k yet.  Skill wise you will find people who are just starting to people who like to play competitive games attending events like LVO.
We ask that you try to get a base coat on your models and hopefully another color at your earliest convenience, it won't upset anyone if you play with bare plastic models, its just a way of encouraging people to paint.
We generally meet on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month the second being mostly a game day and 4th saturday being open for hobby work or games.

Disclaimer: While we are open to players of all age we do ask anyone under 16 be accompanied by a parent/guardian. There is often people enjoying a beer, so this is a notice for parents. We will not however allow anyone underage to have any alcohol.