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What we’re about

"The Humanist Society of Santa Barbara is an all volunteer non-profit educational organization that promotes the values of Humanism on the Central Coast of California. Humanists care about having this one precious life be the best that it can be for all people on the planet, and about preserving the Earth for future generations.

Most humanists are secular, many are atheists (having either been raised as atheists or having "thought their way out" of their religious upbringing).

Humanists stand in wonder at the magnificence and complexity of the universe, and are generally curious and interested in how things work, how things came to be the way they are, and how to impact where we are headed for the benefit of all humanity.

Humanists value reason and the scientific method as the most reliable method of discovering what is true. We value our 1st amendment rights, particularly freedom of speech and the separation of religion from government.

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