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What we’re about

Hunterdon Social Rides (HSR) is a free social group for people 18 years old and up (guests included) who enjoy recreational cycling on trails and quiet roads. We invite all skill levels. Our pace will allow time for catching your breath after hills, chatting, snacks, and photo-ops at scenic spots. We always bike together, never leaving anyone behind (ie. No drop) We always assign a sweeper with knowledge of the route and cell phone communication with the leader to ride with the slowest participant(s). Our rides are not suitable for fast cyclists who forge ahead of the group.
By joining you agree to, and promise to adhere to the following:
1-     You must post & maintain a clear, recognizable facial photo of just yourself at all times;
2-     RSVP/CANCELLATION POLICY:  Two unexcused “No-Shows” will result in removal from the group; (Please contact Organizer through site for emergencies before Start of event)
5- You are responsible for: 
- arriving with adequate time to prepare your bicycle so that we may depart on       schedule
- reading the entire event description
- your own directions/transportation
- providing an emergency contact phone number for each event
- always wearing a helmet when riding (hi vis apparel as well as front and rear lights are strongly recommended)
HSR will include a brief description of the terrain, surface and distance to be traveled.   Terrain will typically be described as : Canal Tow path (or similar), typically flat; Rail Trail (may have grades to 2%+/- some of which may be in excess of a few miles), and Moderately Hilly (often on road) Additionally HSR will provide a link to “Ride with GPS” which shows our route as well as elevation changes.
Our pace varies with terrain. Typically 8-12 mph on trails, a bit faster on roads, slower up hills; depending upon group make up.
You are responsible for knowing your physical abilities.
6- Please leave controversial topics of debate at home and enjoy the ride.
7- Zero tolerance for Harassment or using the group for soliciting which are grounds for immediate removal from the group without notice.
8- No smoking during events.
9- Please do not show up for an event or bring a guest if you/they are not on the Going List.
10- We reserve the right to remove any member from the group at our sole discretion, without notice.
11- If you leave the group or are removed from the group, for any reason, you will not be permitted to attend an event as a guest;
Understand that we are not a professionally guided group, nor are we providing a service, these are social events. You are responsible for your own (and your guest’s) preparedness and well-being. You are responsible to research the event and the route, as well as to know your abilities.
You agree not to hold the Organizer, Co-Organizer, Assistant Organizers, Event Organizers or any other member responsible for any injury, illness, mishap or any other situation that may happen at an event and you assume all risks involved in participating in an event. Your joining & attendance signifies that you have read and accepted the terms of this liability waiver.