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What we’re about

You are finally here!  Yes, you. You have been wanting more out of life. Maybe you want to learn new skills. Maybe you want to help others. Maybe you want to make new friends. Maybe you want to learn more about Improv Comedy. Maybe you want to get in better physical shape. Maybe you just want to get juiced about your life. The beauty of life is the fact that everything always aligns to perfection and that is why you are here. How you got here doesn't matter, all that matters is that you are here now. "I am 50Million is a social group that teaches personal development and does charity work." Yes, it's that simple. We are a social group where individuals get together to help each other be the best they can be. We do so many different activities that help people live a more fulfilled, enriched, and powerful life. We do this by creating events where we can learn, have fun, help others, and become better versions of ourselves. We teach personal development in a whole new way. We bring interactivity and group support to make these lessons have a bigger impact in your life. You have been to events where you feel great but then the fire goes away. In I am 50Million we keep the fire burning by having many events where you can bring your fire to help others or come to get fired up yourself. We want to change the world and it only happens when you and other amazing people get together to create a positive impact on everyone.  One of our favorite things about his group is that  there are no memberships to buy, no products to buy or sell, and most of our events are free because of the donations from people that love this group.  We do this because we want to make friends and make a positive impact on the world.  Come and see why this group is growing and it's so loved by everyone.

Our mission statement is not so much about the group but a personal promise to ourselves to be our best and do great things for the greater good.  Our Mission statement is:  "I am committed to achieve greatness. I will change the world by my actions because I am grateful for my blessings. I am 50Million"  You have been waiting to meet new amazing friends who share the same insights and drive to "Be the Best we can be". You have read the books and now is time to put your knowledge into action. We are fans of books like Personal Power, The Secret, Infinite Possibilities, Law of Attraction, Abraham-Hicks Teachings, 7 habits of highly effective people, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Good to Great, 3 Laws of Performance, Think and Grow Rich, Power of Now, How to Win Friends and Influence People, Landmark Forum, Vipassana Meditation, Transcendental meditation, The Book of 5 Rings, etc. We are also fans of authors like Anthony Tony Robbins, Eckhart Tolle, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, Deepak Chopra, Bill Gouldd, Tom Hopkins, and many more! Come and share with us, because you are and I am 50Million!!!  We also post positive messages, community events, and charity opportunities at our fan page on Facebook and we have our own community page where we post other social event that are not on meetup at . Please visit and click "Like" so you can have the latest information about this amazing ideal. If you want to be up to date with this amazing social group follow us on all these social media tools...

Instagram:  #iam50Million
Twitter:  @iam50million
 If you need to speak to any of us you can call (530) IAM 50ML (530 426 5065) Copyright © 2017 I am 50Million, Paul Ortigoni, All Rights Reserved. 

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