What we’re about
Improve your conversational language level with Language Exchange Stockholm!!!
We have regular events for practice of Swedish, Chinese, Arabic, English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Portuguese, Finnish and Italian.
Thanks to all our volunteers who give up their time to help, the group has become a wonderful forum for practising languages and making new acquaintances. All our events are for free. Come and improve your fluency with the help of native speakers, and take active part of the group by helping other people who want to learn your language!
If you have any questions, you are welcome to send them to langexchsthlm@gmail.com.
Tips for conversation:
"Interested makes interesting"! If you ask others about them, it is much more likely that they will ask you about you too :-).
Try to ask about things that have to do their opinions, feelings, experiences, conceptions, etc, rather than dry fact. If, for instance, someone tells you that they have a university degree in something, it will be more giving for the conversation to ask why they chose that education or what they liked about it, rather than how many years it took or at what university they did it.
As from 2023, this group is financed by Dahlbergs språktjänster. You're very welcome to contact me, if you're interested in any of our services:
- Private Swedish lessons
- Translation from Spanish, Portuguese, Italian or English to Swedish
- Proof reading of texts in Swedish or English.
Best regards
Simon Dahlberg