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What we’re about


As the name suggests, Internationals in Wien is a group of people from all over the world who share at least two things in common: we love Vienna and we love meeting new people.

We would ask you to please sign up with your first name, along with a photo of yourself and to add a short profile. Please use your real name, we are not a dating web page. "Meet-up" means attending events, sharing time together and creating community. Bearing this in mind new members should be real people, not organizations or enterprises.

Anyone can suggest a meetup event, see here for more details. No membership fee is charged and there is no other duty connected with your membership other than to respect your fellow members and the places where we meet. Please note that just writing random emails to other members is not appropriate – we are about meeting up in person and having fun together.
Please note that we are non-commercial! Therefore it is not allowed to run a business via the Internationals-In-Wien MeetUp group. All events are usually free of charge, not counting third party fees if any.

Looking forward to seeing you at an Internationals in Wien Meetup soon!

Upcoming events (4+)

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