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What we’re about

Fellow introverts, let’s get together once in a while (but not too often!). Even though we can be solitary, we still like to hang out with other humans sometimes, just in small groups and subdued settings. The pandemic experience slowed down the pace of life for a while and many introverts took that in stride, even thrived. Maybe we’re ready to get back out there now yet struggling to re-connect post-pandemic, especially with other introverts or in meaningful ways.

Join this group to meet other people who may be more reserved, shy, or have social anxiety. Events will be held at smaller, quieter venues so that no one feels overwhelmed by too many people and too many noisy distractions. Both men and women are invited; diversity of age, gender, ethnicity, etc. is encouraged.

Events will include restaurant outings, movies, festivals, board game nights, art showings, bowling, outdoor walks, miniature golf, and more. Maybe you have an idea for an interesting yet low-key activity?

The intended region is both the East and West Shores of Harrisburg, so mostly in Dauphin, Cumberland, and northern York counties. However, we can venture further beyond at times, maybe for day trips to other towns and large cities. Because the event participation size will be kept small and the roadways over the river sometimes create a barrier to access, members are welcome to set up additional events to increase opportunities to get together.

Some simple ground rules for the group include:

1. You don't have to be the center of attention but no ghosting either!
Please keep your attendee status up to date, especially if there is a waiting list.
~ If you decide not to attend an event you signed up for, please update your status, even if it's close to the event start time.
~ This group will be more understanding than most about "being in the mood" to leave your home on a given day, so no explanation needed.
~ However, ghosting is not respectful to the organizers and venues, and keeps other members on the waiting list who might have attended. Therefore, no-shows without status updates will be noted and that person's membership in the group may be affected.
~ RSVPs will often close an hour or more before the event. After the reservation window closes, members will need to contact the event organizer directly to update their status.

2. Many hands make light work!
Because we’ll usually meet in small groups of 8-12 people, the more events we hold, the more various members can attend.
~ Please message the group organizer, Michelle M., if you’re interested in helping out as an event host or want to suggest an idea for an outing. If it's a good fit for this group, she'll help you become the organizer for your event.
~ Most events will be limited to members only, but some events will allow members to bring guests. If this is allowed, it will be posted in the invitation.

3. Nothing in life is free!
There is no membership fee for this group currently, but there may be a small annual fee in the future and fees for certain events.

Many thanks to the group's founder, Jen G., for recognizing the interest in and need for a Meetup group for we quieter folk in this area. It's time for local introverts to start coming together more often. Hope to see you soon!