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What we’re about

We're a book club for ladies in their 20s and 30s. We read about 1 book a month and meet at a restaurant/coffee shop/brewery to discuss. We try to choose which books we read as a group via polls.

I do understand that life happens and things come up, but finding a location for a group of 6+ to meet can be challenging. If you RSVP to an event and then no show without warning, it makes the coordination work more difficult than it needed to be because the table or spot will be unnecessarily large. And, since there's always a lot of interest in our meetings, you may have taken a seat that someone would have liked to fill. So, please don't know show. If you do, you may be removed from the group.

There's always a long wait list for this group. So, unfortunately, if you don't actively participate for a period of several months, you may be removed from the group (but always free to rejoin in the future should you become able to participate).

Group links