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What we’re about

What makes Kickstands Up (KU) different from other Motorcycle Meet ups? KU Rider Francois said it best**! "Out of all of the groups I just joined, yours is the most active. Congrats! " Don't want no Drama just fun!**

We've already rode over 500 events. No Commitments, no vests/colors, no mandatory meetings or, prospecting. Just RSVP and arrive at the meetup location ready to ride with a "FULL" tank of gas.

New to riding, don't worry! you're welcome too. Kickstands Up started the SSR Events. Short Sunday Rides. If new to riding & riding with a motorcycle group, consider the short Sunday afternoon rides first.

KU Rider Charles Caleb Colton said, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery". And yes It is flattering when other motorcycle meetups copy our description, ideals & events. Especially the motorcycle aafety training events. We all want the same thing to just ride when time and weather permits and have fun doing it!

We ask "all riders" to please:
1. Be respectful to the organizers
2. Be respectful to "All" Riders & their "Guests"
3. No drinking or Marijuana use on or during a ride.
4. Always "Ride YOUR Ride!" Ride at your own risk with or without proper riding gear (KU is not responsible for your mishaps).
5. Request that you post your safe arrival home after each event.

** All types of motorcycles (touring, sport and cruisers though welcome should be in good working condition.**

DISCLAIMER: By RSVPing and attending Kickstands Up events, you acknowledge that Kickstands Up and the Founder is not responsible for any tickets, fines, bike damages, injuries, or deaths that may occur while riding with the group. Additionally, you agree to be photographed and/or videoed. Photographs or videos may be taken as a record of the event, for publicity purpose. All riders ride at their own risk and accept all liabilities that may occur from riding their motorcycle.