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What we’re about

Hello, fellow gamers!

Have you been watching Critical Roll, listening to Adventure Zone but want to get in on the dice-rolling action yourself? Collecting too many board games with not enough people to play with? Love collecting cards for games like Star Wars Unlimited, Lorcana, Sorcery, or even MTG?

Let's get together in Kingston's Stockade District at World's End Comics for some game nights! (or further west in Woodstock or Phoenicia, exact location TBD)

All players and gamers with no experience are encouraged to come and learn in a fun and supportive environment. We're starting up this group to bring various board games, tabletop RPGs, and trading card games to play together. The RPGs are run as one-shot games we can conclude in a single sitting. And we'll teach any and all board games whether you bring a new one or sit in on a game with someone else. We come prepared with preconstructed decks for card games and can play limited formats by cracking packs together and drafting or playing sealed.

Everyone is encouraged to make a suggestion in the comments of this Meetup as to what we should prepare and bring to the table.

What do you want to play?1

Upcoming events (1)

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