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What we’re about

This group is NOT about spirituality or becoming Devine, spread peace etc. No.

It is about to pull yourself together.
It is about Self-control: Control of your emotions, words, actions, behaviour.
It is about feeling secure and confident.
It is about facing and overcoming your fears instead of running from them and being anxious about it.
It is about cutting lose everything what don’t let you move forward. Recognising and accepting your own mistakes, see where your EGO let you down. Learn from it and change.
It is about making your mental stamina stronger so you can perfectly sort daily challenges and big storms in your life.

It appears that kundalini Yoga is just a universal and fast tool to achieve it all and attract positive circumstances in your life.

In case you feel that you would like to work on your spiritual growth and practice kundalini yoga seriously -then you can book a private session with me for a fee (20$), and I will design your personal practice based on what you would like to achieve.

NO experience is required.
Anyone can join the practice