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What we’re about

This group was originally born in Billings, Montana (see below); but since I have now moved back to Los Angeles, we are now back at home ready to conquer (well maybe blend seamlessly into) the world. The Golden Globes 2015 Transparent series awards followed by Caitlyn Jenners public transition were groundbreaking for the transgender community. Why? We are part of humanity and are simply trying to live life to its fullest without prejudice and intolerance.  It is now a private group and prospective new members need to apply. The principles leading to the founding of this group in Billings will continue here in Los Angeles. This is a site for mainly social activities in Los Angeles witha  focus on mainstream outings but regular transclub outings (Thank you Jamie Jameson!) and also for learning more about the broad spectrum of the transgender condition/experience since it is important for the public to understand who were are. 

PLEASE NOTE: this is a brief history of how and why this group was founded.
Like many, I was a "normal" little boy born into this world growing up during my childhood in the Los Angeles and Orange County (La Habra and Fullerton). But somewhere early in my youth, I realized i was different. Couldn't understand why I felt the need to dress as a girl. I struggled during my teens until my age 17-18 epiphany, that I was actually a decent person who had a gender "quirk" but if I hid that, maybe i could manage this life. I went to college, finding full time career work, getting married but accepting my trans side. Still I couldn't imagine getting fully dressed and going out. Then somewhere along the line, well exactly after viewing a drag show at the (now defunct) Queen Mary. I walked into the back bar and had my "Star Wars" moment. Think of the scene, Luke Skywalker walking in with R2D2 and C3PO through this bar with all these alien creatures sipping cocktails and flirting conversing just like any regular neighborhood bar. Realizing this bar was loaded with trans girls of all persuasions I had this heavy feeling in my stomach that "wow, these are my sisters and I need to be out with them!".  Thus my foray into the public space. But dressing up and going to transclubs and LGBT friendly bars is one thing, I got bored thinking after 2-3 years, why not mainstream it?!? So I did and to this day never looked back. I was going out weekly in this great town of Los Angeles but took a temporary job in Montana in 2014.

(November 2014) I recently moved to Billings from Los Angeles and have found there does not seem to be any social scene for transgender persons. This prompted me to start this group is for anyone who is transgender or is a friend or admirer of transgender persons either living in or nearby to Billings. Even visitors to Billings are more than welcome. One major goal is to meet other like minded persons to be able to get together to socialize at public and private outings in a tasteful setting and manner. Dining, drinking, dancing, gambling, museum, nature walks, even a day ski trip to Red Lodge or just about anything you can think of is game for this group. Will try to meet in a weekly  or every other weekly manner.
There is no "dress code" meaning you can come en femme (if you are MTF) or drab. For the less experienced, age appropriate dress is always a good rule of thumb. My personal preference is to be dressed fabulous but sometimes work or other things get in the way (it does take a while to ready oneself for an outing), I may occasionally be in drab :(

This is not a hookup site since there is craigslist and Lovers Playground for that kind of stuff. (these sex oriented activities are different nowadays) This site caters to all, especially those who are comfortable getting out and seek like minded friends. Also if you are married or have a significant other who is having a hard time with his/her transside, it helps to have friends. Again, more of a social site over support site, friends only help friends here.
The type of meetings will be mostly mainstream public in generally low key environments, meet for coffee, happy hour, dinners, cocktails. Sometimes live shows, concerts theater sporting events might make it on the agenda.