What we’re about
Interested in cycling, but not sure where to start? Are you tired of going on rides by yourself or with the boys? Well, have I got the group for you! If you are new to cycling or a veteran rider, I invite you to gather for regular rides with us. Looking for a more inclusive, welcoming and fun, ongoing cycling experience. Our purpose is to gear up, get on, get out, and get going, feel the wind at our backs while having fun with like minded women. Who cares if the guys are faster than us, we just like to ride our bikes, chat, improve our fitness and become safer riders. Isn't that right? We will meet new people, give each other moral support and have fun socializing in the outdoors. Our routes will include; Washington County routes, Sauve Island, Springwater Corridor, Frenchmans Bar, Banks Vernonia trail, Scenic Gorge Hwy and many other options. Our rides vary from 25 to 85 miles at 15-18 MPH.
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Ladies, Let's Ride Sundays @ 9:30am Beautiful West HillsGroner Elementary School, Hillsboro, OR
"Ladies only", sorry guys. Must be able to ride at least 14-16 mph. Ride announced each week, and distance will vary between 20-40 miles in various areas. We are friendly and welcoming but please come ready to workout and challenge yourself. Wheels rolling at 9:30 am
Fuel for the Ride: Rides are likely to last 2-4 hours. Be sure to bring both water and snacks.
Ride Leader: Debra Rhea
Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/46892780 26 miles/1400 ft elevation 8.1% grade.
Weather Policy: This ride will only cancel for heavy rain, snow, ice and other conditions we do not like. Light showers are no big deal. Cancellations will be posted no later than 9:00 AM on the day of the ride.Required:
• Personal identification including name, address and emergency contact is required of every rider
• Helmets must be worn at all times on the bike.
• Bring the correct size spare tube for the tires you are riding. If you get a flat, don't worry, we'll all lend a hand.
• Your bike must be in good working order. If you're not sure, stop by a local bike shop and ask a mechanic to look it over for safety and basic ride-ability
• Cell phone - never go on a ride without one!
• No ear buds or music please• Sun/riding glasses
We’re a community of like minded women riding bikes, making friends and enjoying the outdoors.
Each person is “self-supported” and route finding, food/hydration are the sole responsibility of each person who wishes to participate.
Our rides take place on public roads open to a variety of vehicular traffic. Riders agree to RIDE AT THEIR OWN RISK. You and ONLY you will be responsible for navigating and avoiding hazards as they relate to traffic, roads, general safety and weather conditions. Riders are absolutely under their own responsibility to ride, navigate and conduct themselves safely and appropriately to conditions as they exist on our rides.
Riders understand that as a condition of participation..ie..”showing up” (which includes use of any route/map information provided), they’re acknowledging cycling can be a hazardous activity and as such, agree to assume all risks and release and hold harmless everyone associated with the ride including fellow riders, Debra Rhea, Pacesetter Properties LLC, Keller Williams Sunset Corridor, the Rhea family and any ride “volunteer”.
We are, always have been and continue to be- just a group of like minded friends, riding bikes, having fun and enjoying the outdoors.