What we’re about
Calling All Ladies who are Experienced Euchre Players!
If you are an experienced Euchre player, please join us for "trick-taking", food, and socializing.
Meet the first and third Monday each month.
Meet @ 6:00pm to order drinks & food and then we will begin play.
Location may be at a members' home, clubhouse, or a restaurant in the Cornelius or Huntersville area. Please check each event for location the day before or day of. Restaurants reservations are made typically the day before, sometimes the day of due to confirming the number of attendees. When reservations are made the location is posted on the app.
Your first attendances of joining is free as our guest. After your first attendance an ANNUAL contribution is required of $20.00 ($1.66/month). This is applied towards the monthly Meetup monthly fee of $35.00 (annual fee of $420.00) to maintain the Meetup group.
Annual dues are collected before January 1st of each year. If you join mid-year the membership is the same cost, otherwise it is an accounting nightmare. No Refunds for any reason. The twenty-dollar amount is a contribution towards the Meetup monthly fees, and does not entirely cover all the costs, therefore No Refunds.
Please review the House Rules located in photos. There are numerous variations and rules played by different players, we will be playing by our House Rules as in the photo.
Please don’t change your RSVP based upon the number of attendees for an evening.
Don't worry about the even #'s of 4 to play a table. We have a sub list of players who are not on the Meetup app and/or regularly available and I call them to add them in so we have the even # of players for tables of 4 so all can play.
This group is Private. I recently made the Group Private as we had a few men who tried to join the group and sent messages to ladies. (lol)
Our Privacy is good for everyone so our events, times, & places are not public for others. THEREFORE, IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A FACIAL PICTURE OF YOURSELF ON YOUR PROFILE, I CANNOT APPORVE YOU TO JOIN THE GROUP. Also, if you don’t receive a response to join the group, please private message me.