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What we’re about

PLEASE READ!! New Important Info!

This group is for lesbians 40+ who live in the Lake Norman area and want to get together and hang out. Please consider the age requirement before requesting to join.

Our events include dinners, lunches, hiking, vineyard visits, and even a trip to a nearby casino. Give us your ideas, and we'll try to make them happen.

This is an INCLUSIVE group for anyone on the LGBTQ+ spectrum who identifies as a woman, lesbian, and/or queer.

ZERO DRAMA POLICY: We have been lucky, thus far, to have events free from drama, stalking, etc. Please respect the privacy and well being of your fellow members. Leadership has the right to ban or revoke membership for anyone who creates an unsafe environment for others.

REQUIREMENTS FOR MEMBERSHIP: We MUST have a current photo (of your face that is recognizable) in order to know that you are who you purport to be. We also need enough information to confirm that you identify as a woman who is a lesbian and/or queer. There are a few membership questions to be answered for approval.

This is not a group for bi/bi-curious gals, men (gay/straight/bi), and women who want to explore their sexuality. If you are a member of another LGBTQ org and/or Meetup, we'd love to know because that information significantly expedites membership approval.

HOW IT WORKS: Nobody gets paid to host events, and no one makes money off this group. To plan an event, no experience is necessary. All you need is an idea of something you’d like to do, pick a time that is 2 or 3 weeks away (at a minimum), and schedule it. Most importantly, you MUST show up! The event can be for 2 women or 200. Just let one of the organizers know if you’d like to become a planner, and one of us will assist.

Do not RSVP to events and fail to show up. If you must cancel, please let the event planner know ASAP so another woman can take your place. If you do not let the event planner know you are unable to attend you will be marked as a no-show. Too many instances of being a no-show can lead to removal from the group.

Finally, we must respect everyone's privacy for those who don't have the luxury of being "out." Ask permission to share any photos on social media outside of our Meetup page.

Remember: this is YOUR group! See you soon!!