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What we’re about


LAW OF ATTRACTION LONG ISLAND is for people who are interested in learning and practicing the amazing concept of The Law of Attraction! Here at LOA LI, we practice the LOA with open minds and open hearts. We all learn from one another. LOA LI shows you the authentic, common sense, workable, practical ideas to help you manifest what you want.

Briefly, as a group we learn to allow what we want in; to attract love, health, abundance, prosperity and acquire spiritual insights; to bring yourself into alignment with your desires, to take inspired action in manifesting what you want in your life and having gratitude for what you have. In short, it's about the power of positive thinking.

We embrace the core ideas of the Law of Attraction. Thoughts, vibration aka energy, manifestation, beliefs, action and synchronicities! Once you align your thoughts and action with your desires, people and situations will begin to show up in so many ways will help you achieve your goals! All we need to do then is to allow it all in.

We meet in-person as well as on ZOOM. Please note if you are attending a ZOOM meeting, a live video of you is a must. If there is not live feed from you, you will not be admitted into the ZOOM meeting. In-person meetings are currently being held at different locations on Long Island, in Nassau County, NY. We are trying to find a locale to meet up in NYC as well. Locations can be subject to change at the last minute. Please check back on the day of the meetup to be sure of meetup location. There are also podcasts that are included for you to view any time you want!

It is essential to sign up for Organizer's Messages for updates on meetings and for new speaker presentations.

For the remainder of 2024, we are having 1 to 2 meetings a month at different locations or via Zoom; be sure to check where and time. There are many aspects of the Law of Attraction which we cover over the year. There are introductory meetings for new members; book discussions, metaphysical subjects, some networking, LOA field trips and even LOA Socials! We cover countless subjects which pertain to the Law of Attraction.

The meetings run for approximately an hour and a half. There is usually a lecture session, followed by questions and discussion. If you want to join in the discussions, please do... if you want to just listen and take it all in, that's fine, too. We respect how you feel and respect your input as well.

If you have an LOA subject you would like to see covered, just let us know. Members can present, or bring in a guest speaker; however, there is no monetary compensation for presenting. Please note this is not for networking or selling products/services. By all means, a presenter can introduce their profession and what they offer, but it must not be the main content of the presentation. Contact us via email with an outline if you have an idea, suggestion or someone we would enjoy hearing from!

Learn how to manifest your desires with other like-minded people and increase your sense of well-being with us. Find your tribe right here. We are waiting for you.

Check out our sister groups, Law of Attraction NYC and Your Mindset For Health And Wealth!

See you at a meeting soon.

Helen, Organizer and Event Host
Sheryl, Co-Organizer 
Linda, Assistant Organizer 
Carole, Assistant Organizer