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What we’re about

This is a private group for members of the Lehigh Valley Beemers BMW Motorcycle Riders Club (LVBBMWR).

Members of the Lehigh Valley Beemers BMW Riders Club are approved into this private Meetup group. If you'd like to join and ride with us, please see our website (link below). Annual dues are $25 for various club activities and annual picnic contribution. We have almost 100 Members as of 4Q 2024.

We are BMW Motorcycle Owner's of America (BMWMOA) Charter Club # 277, and BMW Riders Association (BMWRA) Charter Club #369.

We plan and schedule club rides from April through October, have monthly breakfast meetings, hold an annual picnic, and are getting back to a yearly Christmas/New Year Celebration. An informative, brilliantly written bi-monthly newsletter is offered to club members, and our ride and event schedule is in MEETUP (   We are a big believer in motorcycle skills training to improve safety - We seek out and arrange for motorcycle safety training for our members.  Going forward, we want to participate in charitable fundraisers and support local charities, especially related to children in need.  Please consider joining the club to enjoy club-based motorcycle riding, and to meet new friends and make lasting memories!  We are developing a 2025 Ride Plan that will knock your socks off!   We have Weekend Day Rides, Weekday Day Rides (for retirees and those playing hooky), Weekenders in PA, NY, WV, and trips up to a month long (2024 - BMWMOA Rally in Redmond OR, then ride up to Juneau Alaska)!

The club also plans international riding events, such as the 15 Day Ireland and Isle of Man (IOM) ride in August 2022, and a 12-day trip to Spain to ride the Pyrenees in September 2024.  Looking ahead, we are planning some "ALPS Tours" in the next several years and some members are discussing South America and Australia/New Zealand......

Our Website Link: Tap the 'JOIN' button:
Lehigh Valley Beemers BMW Motorcycle Riders Club

You do not need to own a BMW motorcycle to Join. Most members are BMW Owners.

Goals of the Club:

• Provide a fun, friendly, and safe environment for riders of ALL levels of
experience, men and women.

• Enjoy safe riding so everyone gets home safely. We urge riders to wear protective gear - All the Gear, All the Time (ATGATT).

• We offer weekend, weekday, overnight and longer rides/trips, and some
social events. We will consider rides proposed by our members and we will make every effort accommodate as many riding schedules as possible. Please ride!

BONUS: If you have NEVER been a BMWMOA Member, or your BMWMOA membership has lapsed for 5 years or more, I can gift you 1 year of BMWMOA Membership ( - a $49 value. Hit this link and get your first year of BMWMOA Membership on me! BE SURE TO use activation code 'vince181143' when signing up for the BMWMOA.


Vince Kelly
President - Lehigh Valley Beemers BMW Riders
BMWMOA Regional Coordinator, Northeast PA, NJ