What we’re about
Want to eat out with some cool, positive, happy, open minded people who will go to places your partner or family wont go?
Want to broaden your partners repertoire of dining choices to places that are NOT basically burger joints and chain restaurants?
There is only so many times Olive Garden/Applebees/Chilli's/TGI Fridays/etc. a person can stomach.
Do you love Sushi, Greek, BBQ, Italian, Peruvian, Cuban, Mongolian, Brazilian, Middle Eastern, Asian, and Indian etc. but you rarely get to go out because someone in your tribe hates everything and is a party pooper?
Want to try something different for a change? Dive joints to haute cuisine?
Want adult company and conversation? Maybe even leave the IE and try something a little drive away? Come join the group and find your new dining buddies.
Rules and considerations:
Your profile picture MUST be of your face. We really like knowing who you are.
If you RSVP 'yes' to an event show up! Space is limited to keep these meetups manageable and friendly. So if you can't make it please change your status.
Three no shows and you will be removed/banned from the group.
If you would like to bring a friend, have them join this meetup group.
Respect the diversity of the group ,we all have different personalities and opinions.
No one under 21 yrs old. This is an adult group for adults. I have a mouth like a sailor and exposing them to me can be amusing or horribly educational.
RSVP for our regular dinners or what we call “popup” impromptu meals which are usually only posted in the discussion section by members just wanting to not eat alone or share a new place they’ve found. Popups usually have very short notice and just require you to join in on the discussion by telling us if you’re interested.
DISCLAIMER ***The Organizer and Assistant Organizers and Hosts in this group are not professional guides or instructors. The function of the organizer(s) is only to organize the meetup. Each person who signs up for a trip/meetup/or outing is responsible for his/her own safety. By signing up for any event organized by this group, you are acknowledging that you are aware of the risks, dangers and hazards associated with this activity and freely accept and fully assume all such risks, dangers and hazards. In addition, you further agree to release and discharge the Organizer Co and Assistant Organizers or Hosts of this Meetup Group from any/all liability arising from your participation in the group activities. Your photo may be taken at most events.***