What we’re about
An Excursion Into the Odd and Fantastical
We are a group dedicated to reading the great literature of the Western canon. Over the last few years, we’ve read and discussed a multitude of renowned works ranging from older classics by Homer, Virgil, Milton and Dante to modern works by Melville, Thomas Mann, Proust and Joyce. We’ve not been intimidated by either a work’s ancient pedigree or its challenging intellectuality. We understand that reading these works that have survived over time and trying to understand their meaning is an adventure of the human spirit worth pursuing.
From 2020, under a new group name, we’re on a course of selections with themes offbeat and fantastical. The works include odd tales of strange psychology (such as by Dostoevsky, Gogol, and Faulkner) to the fantastical and weird (such as by Swift, Wells, Kafka and Lovecraft). And yes, selections from the Bible will be included, because what could be more weirdly mysterious than those stories?
In August 2023, we recorded an online session featuring "The Grand Inquisitor" section of Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov. Click for an unedited sample session of our group. Use passcode: TK$2E#k!
Below is the list of classics we’ve been reading and the ones remaining before we shift to poetry in 2024. All of these are written by great authors of enormous intellect and power. We have a very talented group of members who love debating, discussing and investigating the fine points of these stories. We hope you’ll join us and welcome new members also enthralled by the classics.
1. Dostoevsky: Devils (Oxford UP) [1872] (read 2020)
2. Marquez: Love in the Time of Cholera [1985] (read 2020)
3. Faulkner: Absalom Absalom [1936] (read 2020)
4. Zola: Thérèse Raquin [1868] (read 2020)
5. Kafka: The Castle [1926] (read 2020)
6. James: Turn of the Screw [1898] (read 2020)
7. Shakespeare: King Lear [1608] (read 2020)
8. Nietzsche: Thus Spoke Zarathustra [1883] (read 2020)
9. Bible: Genesis/Job/Song of Solomon (read 2021)
10. Aristophanes: Clouds [423 BCE] / Wasps [422 BCE] / Birds [414 BCE] (read 2021)
11. Sophocles: Antigone [ BCE] / Philoctetes [ BCE] (read 2021)
12. Euripides: Medea [431 BCE]/Hippolytus [428 BCE]/Bacchae [405 BCE] (read '21)
13. Apuleius: The Golden Ass [170 CE] (read 2021)
14. Dante: Inferno/Purgatorio/Paradiso [1320] (in progress: 2021 via other Meetups)
15. Spenser: Faery Queene (1st book only) [1590] (2021)
16. Swift: Gulliver’s Travels [1726]; A Tale of a Tub [1704] (read 2021)
17. Voltaire: Zadig [1747]; Candide [1764] (read 2021)
18. de Sade: Justine [1791] (read 2021)
19 Lewis, M.G.: The Monk: A Romance [1796] (read 2021)
20. Hoffmann, E.T.A.: Tales of Hoffmann [1819] (read 2021)
21 Austen: Northanger Abbey [1797/1818] (read 2021)
22. Shelley: Frankenstein [1818] (read 2022)
23. Joyce: Ulysses [1922] (re-read 2022)
24. Gogol: Diary of a Madman [1835] (read 2022)
25. Balzac: Girl with the Golden Eyes [1835] (read 2022)
26. Bronte: The Tenant of Wildfell Hall [1848] (read 2022)
27. Poe: Collected Stories [1830s-40s] (read 2022)
28. Hawthorne: Collected Short Stories [1830-40s] (read 2022)
29. Melville: Bartleby, the Scrivener [1856] / Benito Cereno [1855] (read 2022)
30. Stevenson: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde [1886] (read 2022)
31. Stroker: Dracula [1896] (read 2022)
32. Verne: 20000 Leagues under the Sea [1871] (read 2022)
33. Wilde: The Picture of Dorian Gray [1890] (read 2022)
34. Perkins-Gilman: The Yellow Wall-Paper [1892] (read 2023)
35. H.G. Wells: Island of Dr. Moreau [1896] (read 2023)
36. Zamyatin: We [1924] (read 2023)
37. Woolf: Orlando [1928] (read 2023)
38. Lovecraft: Collected Stories [1920-30s] (read 2023)
39. O’Conner: Wise Blood [1952] (read 2023)
40. Golding: Lord of the Flies [1954] (read 2023)
41. Burgess: A Clockwork Orange [1962] (read 2023)
42. Pynchon: Crying of Lot 49 [1964] (read 2023)
43. Le Guin: The Dispossessed [1974] (read 2023)
45. Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov [1880] (read 2023)
46. Murasaki, The Tale of Genji [read 1000] (read 2023)
Upcoming events (3)
See all- Dante Alighiere, Paradiso, Session 5 of 7, Cantos 20 - 24Link visible for attendees
Session 5 of 7
Dante's Paradiso, the final part of his Divine Comedy, holds immense significance in literature, theology, and philosophy. This masterpiece offers a profound exploration of the human soul's journey towards divine perfection and ultimate union with God.Paradiso presents a complex theological framework that reflects medieval Christian thought. Dante's vision of Heaven is structured as a series of concentric spheres, each representing different virtues and levels of divine understanding. This celestial hierarchy not only showcases Dante's intricate knowledge of theology but also serves as a metaphor for the soul's progression towards God.
The poem delves into profound philosophical questions about the nature of God, creation, and human existence. Dante grapples with concepts such as divine justice, free will, and predestination, offering readers a rich intellectual discourse that continues to provoke thought and debate centuries later.
Paradiso stands out for its unique poetic approach. Unlike the vivid, tangible descriptions found in Inferno and Purgatorio, Dante faces the challenge of depicting the ineffable nature of Paradise. He employs innovative literary techniques, often emphasizing his inability to fully capture the divine experience in words. This self-awareness about the limitations of language in describing transcendent experiences adds a layer of depth to the poem.
At its core, Paradiso serves as a guide for spiritual growth and moral perfection. Through his encounters with various saints and blessed souls, Dante presents exemplars of virtue and wisdom. The poem emphasizes the importance of faith, hope, and love as essential virtues for achieving spiritual fulfillment. [Perplexity, 12-14-24]
Pre-Reading for each session:
Jan 12, 2025: Cantos 1 - 5 [Moon]
Jan 26, 2025: Cantos 6 - 9 [Venus]
Feb 9, 2025: Cantos 10 - 14 [Sun]
Feb 23, 2025: Cantos 15 - 19 [Mars/Jupiter]
Mar 9, 2025: Cantos 20 - 24 [Saturn+]
Mar 23, 2025: Cantos 24 - 28 [Starry/Chystalline]
April 6, 2025: Cantos 29 - 33 [Empyrean]
April 20, 2025: Inferno, Cantos 1-4To review our Purgatorio sessions:
Download the Zoom A.I. Summary
Also, summaries of our prior Paradiso sessionsRecommended editions (available from libraries or online$)
Review this upload on Google Drive to help choose an edition.Jean and Robert Hollander, 2008, Paradiso. Anchor Books. ISBN: 9781400031153 [It/En, 1024 pp.] Used: $9+
Robert Durling, 2013, Paradiso. Oxford Univ. Press. ISBN: 9780195087468. [It/En, 576 pp.] Used: $31+
Robin Kirkpatrick, 2008, Paradiso. Penguin Classics. ISBN: 9780140448979. [It/En, 720 pp.] Used: $7+
Michael Palma, 2024, The Divine Comedy. Norton [Liveright]. ISBN: 9781324095545. [En in terza rima, 624 pp.] ($20+; available 12-3-24)Outside sources are welcome if they help us understand the poems, here are four academic websites plus the national Dante society (100 podcasts available on YouTube):
YaleCourses on Dante
Walking with Dante podcasts
Dante Video with Catherine IllingworthONLINE
Please RSVP, join us via broadcast link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86447148571Our 2025 Schedule (subject to change):
-Paradiso by Dante Alighiere
-The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
--Norton Anthology of Poetry. Edited by Marilyn Ferguson, et al. Fifth Ed, 2005, pages: 1424. ISBN: 9780393979213, Used $6+
--Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism [Third Ed. 2018] Ed. by Cain, et al. pp. 2848. ISBN: 9780393602951
--Second Edition, 2010, pp. 2758. ISBN: 9780393932928. Used: $10+
--First Edition, 2001, pp. 2624. ISBN: 9780393974294. Used: $7+Here are links to the other book groups I host on Meetup:
Reading Proust's In Search of Lost Time in French and English:
Reading the most influential Non-Ficton works of the last 3K yrs:
www.meetup.com/history-of-ideas/ - Dante Alighiere, Paradiso, Session 6 of 7, Cantos 25 - 29Link visible for attendees
Session 6 of 7
Dante's Paradiso, the final part of his Divine Comedy, holds immense significance in literature, theology, and philosophy. This masterpiece offers a profound exploration of the human soul's journey towards divine perfection and ultimate union with God.Paradiso presents a complex theological framework that reflects medieval Christian thought. Dante's vision of Heaven is structured as a series of concentric spheres, each representing different virtues and levels of divine understanding. This celestial hierarchy not only showcases Dante's intricate knowledge of theology but also serves as a metaphor for the soul's progression towards God.
The poem delves into profound philosophical questions about the nature of God, creation, and human existence. Dante grapples with concepts such as divine justice, free will, and predestination, offering readers a rich intellectual discourse that continues to provoke thought and debate centuries later.
Paradiso stands out for its unique poetic approach. Unlike the vivid, tangible descriptions found in Inferno and Purgatorio, Dante faces the challenge of depicting the ineffable nature of Paradise. He employs innovative literary techniques, often emphasizing his inability to fully capture the divine experience in words. This self-awareness about the limitations of language in describing transcendent experiences adds a layer of depth to the poem.
At its core, Paradiso serves as a guide for spiritual growth and moral perfection. Through his encounters with various saints and blessed souls, Dante presents exemplars of virtue and wisdom. The poem emphasizes the importance of faith, hope, and love as essential virtues for achieving spiritual fulfillment. [Perplexity, 12-14-24]
Pre-Reading for each session:
Jan 12, 2025: Cantos 1 - 5 [Moon]
Jan 26, 2025: Cantos 6 - 9 [Venus]
Feb 9, 2025: Cantos 10 - 14 [Sun]
Feb 23, 2025: Cantos 15 - 19 [Mars/Jupiter]
Mar 9, 2025: Cantos 20 - 24 [Saturn]
Mar 23, 2025: Cantos 25 - 29 [Starry/Chystalline]
April 6, 2025: Cantos 30 - 33 [Empyrean]
April 20, 2025: Inferno, Cantos 1-4To review our Purgatorio sessions:
Download the Zoom A.I. Summary
Also, summaries of our prior Paradiso sessionsRecommended editions (available from libraries or online$)
Review this upload on Google Drive to help choose an edition.Jean and Robert Hollander, 2008, Paradiso. Anchor Books. ISBN: 9781400031153 [It/En, 1024 pp.] Used: $9+
Robert Durling, 2013, Paradiso. Oxford Univ. Press. ISBN: 9780195087468. [It/En, 576 pp.] Used: $31+
Robin Kirkpatrick, 2008, Paradiso. Penguin Classics. ISBN: 9780140448979. [It/En, 720 pp.] Used: $7+
Michael Palma, 2024, The Divine Comedy. Norton [Liveright]. ISBN: 9781324095545. [En in terza rima, 624 pp.] ($20+; available 12-3-24)Outside sources are welcome if they help us understand the poems, here are four academic websites plus the national Dante society (100 podcasts available on YouTube):
YaleCourses on Dante
Walking with Dante podcasts
Dante Video with Catherine IllingworthONLINE
Please RSVP, join us via broadcast link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86447148571Our 2025 Schedule (subject to change):
-Paradiso by Dante Alighiere
-The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
--Norton Anthology of Poetry. Edited by Marilyn Ferguson, et al. Fifth Ed, 2005, pages: 1424. ISBN: 9780393979213, Used $6+
--Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism [Third Ed. 2018] Ed. by Cain, et al. pp. 2848. ISBN: 9780393602951
--Second Edition, 2010, pp. 2758. ISBN: 9780393932928. Used: $10+
--First Edition, 2001, pp. 2624. ISBN: 9780393974294. Used: $7+Here are links to the other book groups I host on Meetup:
Reading Proust's In Search of Lost Time in French and English:
Reading the most influential Non-Ficton works of the last 3K yrs:
www.meetup.com/history-of-ideas/ - Dante Alighiere, Paradiso, Session 7 of 7, Cantos 30 - 33Link visible for attendees
Session 7 of 7
Dante's Paradiso, the final part of his Divine Comedy, holds immense significance in literature, theology, and philosophy. This masterpiece offers a profound exploration of the human soul's journey towards divine perfection and ultimate union with God.Paradiso presents a complex theological framework that reflects medieval Christian thought. Dante's vision of Heaven is structured as a series of concentric spheres, each representing different virtues and levels of divine understanding. This celestial hierarchy not only showcases Dante's intricate knowledge of theology but also serves as a metaphor for the soul's progression towards God.
The poem delves into profound philosophical questions about the nature of God, creation, and human existence. Dante grapples with concepts such as divine justice, free will, and predestination, offering readers a rich intellectual discourse that continues to provoke thought and debate centuries later.
Paradiso stands out for its unique poetic approach. Unlike the vivid, tangible descriptions found in Inferno and Purgatorio, Dante faces the challenge of depicting the ineffable nature of Paradise. He employs innovative literary techniques, often emphasizing his inability to fully capture the divine experience in words. This self-awareness about the limitations of language in describing transcendent experiences adds a layer of depth to the poem.
At its core, Paradiso serves as a guide for spiritual growth and moral perfection. Through his encounters with various saints and blessed souls, Dante presents exemplars of virtue and wisdom. The poem emphasizes the importance of faith, hope, and love as essential virtues for achieving spiritual fulfillment. [Perplexity, 12-14-24]
Pre-Reading for each session:
Jan 12, 2025: Cantos 1 - 5 [Moon]
Jan 26, 2025: Cantos 6 - 9 [Venus]
Feb 9, 2025: Cantos 10 - 14 [Sun]
Feb 23, 2025: Cantos 15 - 19 [Mars/Jupiter]
Mar 9, 2025: Cantos 20 - 24 [Saturn]
Mar 23, 2025: Cantos 25 - 29 [Starry/Chystalline]
April 6, 2025: Cantos 30 - 33 [Empyrean]
April 20, 2025: Inferno, Cantos 1-4To review our Purgatorio sessions:
Download the Zoom A.I. Summary
Also, summaries of our prior Paradiso sessionsRecommended editions (available from libraries or online$)
Review this upload on Google Drive to help choose an edition.Jean and Robert Hollander, 2008, Paradiso. Anchor Books. ISBN: 9781400031153 [It/En, 1024 pp.] Used: $9+
Robert Durling, 2013, Paradiso. Oxford Univ. Press. ISBN: 9780195087468. [It/En, 576 pp.] Used: $31+
Robin Kirkpatrick, 2008, Paradiso. Penguin Classics. ISBN: 9780140448979. [It/En, 720 pp.] Used: $7+
Michael Palma, 2024, The Divine Comedy. Norton [Liveright]. ISBN: 9781324095545. [En in terza rima, 624 pp.] ($20+; available 12-3-24)Outside sources are welcome if they help us understand the poems, here are four academic websites plus the national Dante society (100 podcasts available on YouTube):
YaleCourses on Dante
Walking with Dante podcasts
Dante Video with Catherine IllingworthONLINE
Please RSVP, join us via broadcast link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86447148571Our 2025 Schedule (subject to change):
-Paradiso by Dante Alighiere
-The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
--Norton Anthology of Poetry. Edited by Marilyn Ferguson, et al. Fifth Ed, 2005, pages: 1424. ISBN: 9780393979213, Used $6+
--Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism [Third Ed. 2018] Ed. by Cain, et al. pp. 2848. ISBN: 9780393602951
--Second Edition, 2010, pp. 2758. ISBN: 9780393932928. Used: $10+
--First Edition, 2001, pp. 2624. ISBN: 9780393974294. Used: $7+Here are links to the other book groups I host on Meetup:
Reading Proust's In Search of Lost Time in French and English:
Reading the most influential Non-Ficton works of the last 3K yrs: