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What we’re about

This hiking group is all about hiking for fun and fitness, so our goal is to hike at a moderate moving pace (2.5 to 3 mph moving pace on hikes with elevation gain and 3-4 mph on flatter hikes) and of course have fun! I am more of a 2.5 mph hiker, but many in this meetup are faster. We hike mainly on weekday mornings, but there may be some weekends during the winter when trails are less busy. So if you are an intermediate hiker that enjoys hiking in the morning, join us on some great hikes!
MEETUP FEES: The fees that I pay to meetup to host this group are $358 per year. If you come to a lot of my hikes and would like to help me pay the meetup fees, I appreciate any donations to help with fees. However there is no requirement to help out. More important to me than the fees is having hiking partners!
WEATHER: For weather forecasts, here is a great website. You can get forecasts for parks, mountains, etc:
10 ESSENTIALS: You should also consider carrying the 10 essentials on hikes. Here is a link to the 10 essentials:
COLORADO RESCUE: I strongly encourage you to purchase a CORSAR card. We are well served by dedicated volunteer search and rescue teams. By purchasing a Colorado Outdoor Recreation Search and Rescue (CORSAR) card you are contributing to the Search and Rescue Fund, that reimburses teams for costs incurred in search and rescues activities across the State of Colorado. The CORSAR card is available for $3 for a one-year card and $12 for five-year card at the following website:
WAIVER: I have a liability waiver that must be signed before attending an event. The waiver can be found at the following link:
You may print it from the link above, sign it, and bring it with you to your first event. Or I will have copies with me at the trailhead. If you choose to sign it at the trailhead, please arrive to the event early so that we can depart on time for the hike. Thanks.

Upcoming events (3)

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