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What we’re about

Informal Business Networking Events for Entrepreneurs


According to GovUK, after many years of growth, over the last 4 years UK business ownership as a % of population has been falling. Conversely, interest in starting a business has been rising. And this is great for us entrepreneurs - less businesses in the marketplace mean more opportunities for starting something new. So now is the best time to put those ideas into practice, and to BE IN BUSINESS!

Liverpool has historically been a thriving city - with many smart and business savvy people successfully trading in all kinds of industries. I spend part of my time living in NW of England, and the other part in Helsinki, Finland - where the start-up industry is big, and business meetups and events are commonplace. I think that Business Network meetings for beginners are something that Liverpool is missing (and in general in the UK) - and from my own personal experience, it is something I feel could be really useful. I believe that shared ideas create better innovation, and better businesses.

So what will happen at the meetings?

Having a business idea is one thing, but actually putting it into practice can be scary, especially if it is your first business. Sometimes you need other like minded people to inspire you - and sometimes you need to be around others who are similarly minded, to work with you and to share ideas.

Likewise, being a business owner can at times feel overwhelming. In reality, you can't be an expert on everything, so finding people who are good at things you are not, is sometimes a smart thing to do. Growing our business networks and reaching out to others in business can be inspiring, and a great way to keep motivated.

So these Networking Meetups are for those who are NEW TO BUSINESS, and for THOSE WHO ALREADY HAVE A BUSINESS.

I aim to create a safe space, where all interested entrepreneurs, first timers in business and those who have an interest, can connect with others - by meeting in an informal atmosphere. You simply need to turn up at the venue, sit down with others, talk, and make new connections!

The venue should be a bar which is large enough to accommodate all of us. I suggest that Punch Tarmeys is big enough for this purpose. IT IS OBLIGATORY TO BUY AT LEAST ONE DRINK, so that we aren't just taking up their space. Afterall, they are a business - who also needs to make money.

First event - Monday 9th December - approx 2 hours, starting at 18:00pm
Optional drinks afterwards

I will bring some business flash cards/related games, to open up some discussions. I don't want to "own" the group, so each meet-up we can all take turns with hosting, and of course new ideas are welcome.

So bring your best business acumen, LinkedIn (if you use it), and willingness to Network!

Look forward to seeing you there :)