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What we’re about

Happy 2024 Longmont bicycle riders! As many of you know, I have recently retired from the city after 23 years! The Wednesday and Thursday morning rides were posted here (my personal meet up), but were provided by the City under transportation planning.

I will continue to host this site, but my focus is changing to pink pedal (bicycle) adventures. New Zealand is coming up in February and Italy in the fall. This summer I will offer bike and beer tours, and maybe a few rides as well.

If you are interested in leading a ride, let me know and I’ll make you an organizer. And if you are interested in reading about my (infrequent) blog posts as I travel the world by bicycle, here’s the link. It’s a big big world and the only- best way to see it is by bike.

Thanks for your participation in this meetup and stay safe on the roads- in Longmont and wherever your journeys might take you. While all of my “big trips” (New Zealand and Italy) are either closed or full for this year, reach out to me directly if you’re interested in future adventures. Tailwinds, L

Our goal is to encourage more people to ride more often and provide as opportunities for that as possible.
We try to be inclusive and provide rides for bicyclists of all ability levels and speeds.

If you are a new or returning cyclist, we hope you will find some rides scheduled here that match what you want to do. If not, please email lauren, our organizer, or suggest a ride on the home page. All members can suggest and create rides.
If you are located in or near Longmont and would like to help us organize rides in this area, I would be happy to make you an Event Organizer... If you have requests or ideas for rides, let me know. Event Organizers are needed to lead both road and mountain bike rides. It doesn't take much to lead a ride... you just have to show up.

As a courtesy to all, PLEASE update your RSVP if your plans change. It is unfair to the leader who shows up and s/he is the only one there. Thank you in advance.

Upcoming events (2)

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