What we’re about
Success Stories! - Our Meetup group is for women - all ages 18+ - who feel very happy and thankful to learn from our oil-free, colorful plant based - LOOK 30 Diet - Success Stories - the body of a woman - does - not - have to look like - what has been called "old" - gray hair, wrinkles, weight gain - not now - and not in the future.
After the change in diet - the body has:
WEIGHT - restored itself - to its ideal weight.
SKIN - tightened its skin - for a natural facelift and body lift.
HAIR - restored its hair color - from gray or white to its natural color.
People said they - naturally looked young again - like age 30s - the reason for the name - LOOK 30 Diet - also - LOOK 30 Women - Meetup Support Group - and - LOOK 30 Club - Support Club for Women and Men.
Age 45 - Esther
"I feel and - look younger - than when I was - in my 30s."
Age 55 - Brenda
"People usually guess that I'm - in my 30s."
* Age 35 - Lynne - Lost 30 Pounds - 3 Months
* Age 37 - Christine - Lost 100 Pounds
* Age 57 - Maggie - "lost 32 pounds in 2 1/2 months"
* Age 59 - Marianne - "within a few weeks - weight was melting off"
* Age 60 - Judeen - "lost 105 pounds"
* Age 31 - Shazzie - "facial lines disappeared"
* Age 35 - Lynne - "acne is gone"
* Age 42 - Lissa - No more acne or scars.
* Age 47 - Sheila - "skin is tighter - and firmer than before"
* Age 55 - Joe Cross - His story is the free documentary movie, Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead (2011) - Joe drank only fresh green juice for 60 days. During that time his body not only lost 82 pounds, but also - tightened its skin - for a natural facelift and body lift! - See Joe's - before and after - photos:
* Age 59 - Marianne - "her wrinkles disappeared"
* Age 71 - Loretta - "the lines in my face are smoothing out"
* Age 83 - Ben - "The wrinkles in my face are almost gone as the skin has tightened"
* Age 55 - Brenda - "My hair turned back from gray to its natural color and became thick and full of body...”
* Age 57 - Maggie - "her gray hair is turning dark again"
* Age 60 - Judeen - "my hair is turning back to its natural color - as the gray disappears"
* Age 67 - Elizabeth - "my white hair of 20 years is suddenly growing dark again." - Her story is from the book - Green for Life - by Victoria Boutenko,
* Age 80 - Nathan - "full head of dark hair".
* Age 75 Men - Grow NEW Teeth - Dr John Richter, N.D.: "In my practice, I have noted some splendid instances of broken teeth growing back to their full length without any other aid than natural food (raw colorful plant based food). I know of men as old as 75 years who have grown another set of teeth." - Quote from the book Nature the Healer by Dr John Richter.
* Age 80 - Nathan Geller, British Colombia. Nathan was in his late 70s when he made a change in diet to eating only raw colorful plant based food. His friend Giselle gave this description of him at age 80: "...few lines in his face...with a full head of dark hair – he also claimed that the raw food (raw colorful plant based food) returned his – EYESIGHT to 20/20 – and he no longer needed glasses.” Nathan's story was posted, at that time, on the website: Raw Food Chef
LOOK 30 Diet
Oil-Free, Colorful Plant Based Food
Recipe Ingredients
Fruit, Greens, Vegetables, Nuts, Seeds, Sprouts
Raw, Frozen, Canned
Seasonings to Taste
Meals - Raw and Cooked
Cooked Food - Steamed, Baked, Liquid Stir Fry
"The cooking method that best retains nutrients is one that cooks quickly, heats food for the shortest amount of time, and uses as little liquid as possible. Microwaving meets those criteria. Using the microwave with a small amount of water essentially steams food from the inside out. That keeps in more vitamins and minerals than almost any other cooking method and shows microwave food can indeed be healthy."
What Not to Eat?
No animal based food - no oils - no grain or legume (bean) based food.
When men and women - stopped eating those foods - instead eating - only - delicious recipes made with - colorful plant based food - the body was then able to - restore itself - then - maintain itself - LOOK 30 - whatever the age - 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s+... at its ideal weight - continuously regenerating - new skin and new hair in its natural color.
FREE Delicious Recipes
Ingredients - Raw Fruit, Greens, Vegetables, Nuts, Seeds, Sprouts - called the Raw Food Diet or Raw Vegan Diet.
* FullyRaw Kristina - Best Raw Vegan Recipes for Beginners
* FullyRaw Kristina - FREE Meal Ideas & Recipes
* Lissa's Raw Food Romance - Meal Ideas & Recipes
* 30 Day Raw Food Diet - Meal Ideas - Recipes - Delicious looking food photos. Quick & easy recipes.
WARM Delicious Meals
Soups, Casseroles, Scrambles, etc.
* FullyRaw Kristina - Creamy Vegetable Noodle Soup
* FullyRaw Kristina - Lasagna & Pesto Pasta - Veggie Pasta
* FullyRaw Kristina - Veggie Pizza
* Oil Free Rainbow Roasted Vegetables - Roasted in the oven: red bell peppers, carrots, yellow bell peppers, green zucchini, broccoli, red onions.
Healthy Oil-Free Recipes
3 Expert Tips On How to Cook Without Oil
How to Stir Fry Without Oil
"Instead of using oil as a base for your stir-fry, consider using flavorful liquids such as vegetable broth, soy sauce, or even water. These alternatives can add moisture and flavor to your dish without the need for oil. You can also experiment with adding a splash of citrus juice or a dash of vinegar for an extra flavor boost."
FREE Cooking Class - Oil-Free Stir Fry
Video - How to Water Saute for Oil-Free Cooking
How to Saute In Water
Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXDx3beOZ3g
* Juicing for Alzheimer's Prevention - A 2006 study from Vanderbilt University found that drinking fruit and vegetable juices - more than three times a week - can cut the risk of developing Alzheimer’s by 76%.
* The Joe Cross FREE 3 & 10 Day Juice Plan - See also - Why It's Important to Drink the Rainbow - every day.
* FullyRaw Kristina - FREE Juice Recipes
FREE Weekly Meal Planner
Get the FREE planner - here. Use it to see your favorite meal ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks.
MEETUP Postings
Our postings will be about meal ideas, delicious recipes, Success Stories, food Meetups and fun activities.
See our - Past Events - collection of our postings.
MEETUPS - Location
The location for our Meetups is the Carmel, California and nearby areas.
FOOD Meetups
Delicious Food Tastings including Desserts, also Salad Buffet Lunches and Cuisine Themed Buffet Dinners.
FUN Activities Meetups
Line Dancing, Hiking, Biking, Kayaking, Skiing (Winter Ski Trip), etc.
Encouraging Positive Conversation
Conversation at Meetups could be about favorite diet meal ideas, recipes and feeling thankful for Success Stories.
LOOK 30 DIET - Additional Benefits
Colorful Plant Based Food
__ Save Animals
Our diet is plant based, vegan, no animal based food.
__ Save Our Planet
Warning - Climate Change
U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: "Deforestation - contributes to global warming, and reversing it will be necessary to avoid catastrophic climate change.
(How?) ...significantly increase the amount of land - that's covered in trees and other vegetation..."
What can women - ALL ages - do?
Our Food Choices
Help with reforestation by - eating food grown from trees (favorite fruit, nuts) and vegetables - that could be - grown together - for example - Alley Cropping
Farmers are helping, by changing the use of their land - from flat land crops (grains and beans) to - Alley Cropping - rows of fruit and nut trees with growing vegetables in between.
Meetup Support - Stay On the Diet
Together we can make staying on the - LOOK 30 Diet - fun - and enjoy the benefits for every body!
Women anywhere - all ages 18+ - are welcome to join us - including your women friends and family!
Dr. Herbert Shelton, N.D., Author - Superior Nutrition
"In fresh fruit, greens, vegetables, nuts are - ALL - the vitamins, minerals, proteins and other substances the human body needs to - BRING - it to a state of - PHYSICAL PERFECTION - and to - MAINTAIN - it in that state - INDEFINITELY."
Women - Naturally - LOOK 30 - Age 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s+...
Please Meetup message me if you have any questions and I will be happy to answer them.
Kay Star - Meetup Organizer
LOOK 30 Women - Support Group