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What we’re about

Calling all Low Riderz wanting to take over LA and beyond?!? Who’s ready to paaaaawty?!?

We are excited to sniff out all the weinerful things to do in So Cal this year. If you and your Doxie dudes and dolls like discovering cultural events, exploring (and leaving your mark on) new places, and meeting looooong-life pack pals, please stay tuned for future events.

Welcome to our pack of tiny and mighty underground warriors! Please feel free to reach out any time!

A little bit about us-we are a pack of 5-Christine (barkonizer), Luis (The Enforcer-All weenie homes needs one), Madonna (11 yrs, aka Madge), Montegue (16 yrs, responds to El Monte and Papito), and Markle Sparkle ((16 yrs, wants to be Dolly Parton when she grows up).

WOOF!! (Translated: We look forward to meeting everyone!)