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What we’re about

> This is group for ladies of all ages who are interested in having a good time. We will go to movies, festivals, concerts, game nights, wine tastings, trips, camping and anything else that's fun. Some of the events can be last minute so if you're spontaneous and can have a good time doing almost anything as long as you have some great people to do it with, this is the meetup for you. However, if you're a serial meetup joiner who joins but doesn't participate, you will be removed. We also have a ZERO tolerance no-show policy. Meaning if you RSVP to an event and you do not show up, OR you did not update your RSVP to "not going"  within 24 hrs of the start of the meetup YOU WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE GROUP. Your continued membership in this group constitues acceptance of these terms. Here, you have to play to stay. Let's have some fun ladies!
