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What we’re about

Do you like to read and/or socialize with other fun, intelligent, like-minded people? If you are a woman looking to meet new friends in the Northwest suburbs for some fun please join us! You don’t need to be a resident of Algonquin. Most events will be in and around the Algonquin area, however, we will also venture out to surrounding suburbs in the Chicago area.

The primary focus of the group will be on a monthly book club, however, we will also meet a few times in between for some quality social, girl time. We will meet for monthly lunch, day walks/hikes, live music and festivals. Monthly lunch will be at an ethnic restaurant to coincide with any ethnicity associated with monthly book club when possible. Also, I am always open to suggestions for events and/or having you be an event organizer to host your own events should you wish to do so. Please consider doing so and joining us for our next event!

Ground Rules:

Newbies will be made to feel welcome and included with the group. No cliques are allowed (we aren't in high school anymore) and drama queens are unwelcome! Please be kind and respectful to others in the group and at the places we go to. Should anyone have an issue, please come to me with any concerns.

Also, should you decide to join us, moving forward please be considerate of the group’s time and with the establishments we visit, and keep your RSVPs current. It will avoid us having to wait around for you to show before we get started. Also, having an empty seat at the table unnecessarily takes seats away from other patrons at the places we visit. Thank you all in advance for the courtesy! In keeping with this no show policy, there will be accountability: Too many no shows without justification communicated to me will result in being removed. The group appreciates your understanding and cooperation!

All that aside, let's have some fun and make some great memories!