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What we’re about

vv Welcome to Madison VTES! vv

We're a community of players dedicated to Vampire the Eternal Struggle CCG.
Check our events for demo days, casual play & special events.

Vampire: the Eternal Struggle (or VTES for short) is a multi-player collectable card game based on the award-winning Vampire: the Masquerade role playing game in which players take on the role of ancient vampires known as a Methuselahs. Considered mere legend by many, Methuselahs rule everything from the shadows, engaging in a eons-long Machiavellian conflict that encompasses political, social, and even physical warfare. The struggle is won or lost based on the actions taken by your minions – younger vampires who unknowingly do your bidding. In this way, the game can allow for deep and immersive storytelling as your minions purchase equipment, hire retainers, even suggest legislative changes to vampiric society, all in the service of your dark plots.

VTES was the second card game designed by Richard Garfield (designer of Magic the Gathering, Netrunner, and other games). It was designed to avoid some of the flaws that Garfield found in Magic: VTES does not require you to include resource or mana cards in your deck, and cards are instantly replaced when played, meaning that card draw isn’t as important as knowing when to discard a card to sculpt a better hand. It also has a gameplay experience more in keeping with a boardgame than a traditional card game – VTES is usually played by 4 or 5 players and games can last up to 2 hours.

The game itself started in 1994, then called Jyhad, but has since released a dozen expansions as recently as this year. It is now owned by Black Chantry Productions.

There are around 20 members in the area and we're always hungry for more. We play once a week at various locations around Madison, WI.
Cards can be purcased online or at Noble Knight Games in Madson.

The following locations also have 5-player demo decks available:
Noble Knight Games - Fitchburg, WI
Misty Mountain Games - Monona, WI
Mox Mania - Madison, WI
Gamer's Library - Madison, WI
Pegasus Games - Madison, WI
Roll Play - Madison, WI
Gemini Games - Stoughton, WI

Upcoming events (4)

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