Did you make a resolution about learning to crochet? Set a goal to meet new people? Find a desire to pick knitting back up? Create a plan to actually make all those Woobles you bought?
Then this, dear potential friends, is the meetup for you!
This is one of our occasional Beginner's Workshops, which are set up mostly like our normal meetups, except that some of us are ready and willing to teach new people new things, or guide people through relearning an old skill. It's also just a great chance to work on a hobby around other people with similar interests.
All we ask of new yarn crafters is that you bring your own materials. If you have something already, you're all set, but if you're not sure where to start, then I recommend worsted weight yarn (the "normal" weight), and then either size 7 bamboo/wood needles for knitting, or an H hook for crocheting. If you'd like to bring a project/pattern you're aiming for, we can help get you started on that as well.
This is also a regular meet-up, so if you just want to come and work on a thing, we're not going to force you to learn (or to teach). You can just come and work and socialize as normal.
Or, if you'd like to learn, but you can't make this meetup, you can come to any of the regular meetups, just leave a little note in the comments for that one, so we can make sure someone is prepared to teach.