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What we’re about

A MakerSpace(also referred to as a hacklab, hackspace, Hackerspace, FabLab) is a community-operated, often
"not for profit" (501(c)(3) in the United States), workspace where people with common interests, such as computers, machining, technology, science, digital art, or electronic art, can meet, socialize, and collaborate.
I looked for a group, locally in the Clearwater area; to make things, to learn new things; to meet exiting new people, that have the curiosity, talent, drive, to create new things. But the closest is in Tampa, and sometimes it is too far for me to go and spend some time there.
So I am creating this new group, to see who may be interested; on forming this new group in the Clearwater area. We are a non-profit maker space. We offer classes, every Sunday's; from 12pm to 4pm, and events on all sorts of projects.
Most will be open to anyone. Then for a fee (starting at $50/month), you can join as a member and have 24/7 access to our workshop and tools. Visitors can be charge per class, anywhere from $10; or free to check the club out.
Tell me what you make, love, and/or hack!