Hi Everyone,
The game starts at 7:00pm. Please arrive in good time, especially if you have not been before and may need to spend a bit longer finding the venue.
We will take the first 12 rsvp's for places and then start a waiting list (the pitches are big enough for 6 a side).
The cost is £6 each and is payable by bank transfer to the organiser (no cash).
• Please only RSVP if you can definitely 100% make it, and change your RSVP if/when you have to pull out.
• If you pull out after a certain time you may still be liable to pay the £6. See discussion board about this / No-Show rules (https://www.meetup.com/Manchester-Sports-Group-Tennis-Football/messages/boards/thread/49185584/#128373544).
• Enable messages on meetup so we can contact you if you are new to the group. If you are not contactable (or don't reply), it will be assumed that you are unavailable and you will be removed from the RSVPs.
• We have a group WhatsApp that you'll be invited to for communication purposes. If you are new to the group, please message Satnam your phone number so you can be added to this.
Satnam / Jonny