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What we’re about

Welcome to the Marsh Creek Sailing Club Laser (ILCA) racing Meetup! We are looking to connect and with sailors in Philadelphia are. We would like you to come and race with us on Marsh Creek Lake. If you have experaince racing any sailboats and would like to get into sigle handle Olympic Dighy - Laser called now ILCA 7 or 6 join us. We have a club charter boat, you can try without owning a boat for a small charter fee. Visit our Club Website or connect with us on Facebook

We do not teach sailing and expect that you have experience in Sailboat racing not neccesery on Laser.

We meet at Marsh Creek Park West Ramp note this is on the west side of the lake entrance to the pasr is from RT 282. Check on the Map.

We race on Sundays at 10:30 AM weather permiting. If we cancel we notify all who confirmed participation. Racing season starts in mid April and lasts untill mid October.