What we’re about
EVERYONE, over the age of 40 is welcome in this group irrespective of race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion or political preference. We only ask that everyone acts kindly and respectfully. Please note that when an event requires a reservation, we ask that ALL members take their RSVPS seriously. Many times, an event may have a waitlist because of limited space, and we want to be respectful and thoughtful of not just members in the group, but the hard working folks in various establishments around town who are setting aside time & space for our group when we make a reservation. So please, outside of an immediate emergency, be sure that you can attend an event that requires a reservation before you RSVP. “No showing” is a definite no-no-please don’t ever do that when you sign up for an event. Please read our “code of conduct policy” below.
This group is for individuals in their 40’s and 50’s who enjoy hitting the town & going to some of the coolest & hippest spots in town for dinner & drinks as well as going to an eclectic array of movies from big summer blockbusters to Indy-art films. Got a suggestion for a cool suggestion for a restaurant establishment, or favorite local setting? Just let me know! We’re going to be attending movies on a regular basis at such local theaters as The Santikos Embassy 14, Santikos Bijou, Santikos Palladium IMAX, and even a few new theaters in the Schertz-Cibolo area.
I’ve got great experience running a very successful Meetup group in San Antonio before, and I’m looking very forward to putting together some great stuff for everyone in this group! Looking forward to meeting everyone soon! Let’s have a great time getting acquainted & hitting the town!
Code of conduct for Marvelous Middle Age Movie Goers and Diners:
* We please ask that members do not discuss politics or religion at group events (for obvious reasons). There are several social groups on Meetup, and elsewhere, for political and religious topics and discussions.
* Harassment of fellow members, of ANY kind, will not be tolerated and should be reported immediately to an organizer. Sexual harassment (I.E lewd, suggestive disgusting comments, unwanted advances/attention, “making passes”, grabbing or touching someone inappropriately without their consent, etc.) & obsessive, disruptive or abusive behavior, threats of physical violence, stalking, or serious behavioral problems etc, will not be tolerated either, and should be immediately reported to an organizer as well.
* Dating among group members is fine, as long as it is not disruptive or intrusive to other members. However, the group is most definitely not a “dating pool”. Predatory behavior will not be tolerated, and should be reported ASAP to an organizer.
* Please do not show up to events intoxicated, and please be mindful about your alcohol/drink consumption at events. You may be asked to leave an event if you are extremely intoxicated/drunk and a cab or Uber may be hailed at your expense to drive you home.
* Engaging in any of the above behaviors may result in removal/and or banning from the group at the organizer’s discretion.
* Please be kind, and respectful to other members in the group. And above all? Have fun! Thanks!
David, Organizer for Middle Age Movie Goers And Diners. 🎥😎👍