I invite you to meditate with me and commune with Mary Magdalene's sacred mysteries for healing, personal transformation, and self-mastery.
Every nature, every modeled form, every creature, exists in and with each other. -Mary 2:2
You are the keepers of sacred magic, the template of the divine feminine, protector of the Holy Grail, the goddess, the Holy of Holies. She is known by many, many names, Magdalene being one. Keepers of the sacred flame, you are being called to come together in community to be held, seen, and to heal your wounds, our wounds of separation, struggle, and profound forgetting. Together, we will awaken, shift, heal, and evolve. Stepping forward with our unique light, truth, and expression of the divine in physical form. As we heal one and awaken, we heal the many, lifting the planetary vibration and collective consciousness together. We will unite all aspects of her beauty, wisdom, power, and grace. We will rise as one, shining in our greatest love.
Mary Magdalene’s story is shrouded in mystery and mysticism. In the sacred circle, we invoke her truth, wisdom, deep love, and reverence for visceral teaching, clearing, and activation.
Each month we will gather to connect and commune with the essence of this visionary aspect of the divine feminine. We will explore the alchemy of Mary Magdalene in relationship to her Divine attributes of mysticism, love, sacred sexuality, Divine adoration, surrender, faith, and unity consciousness to awaken deeper levels of the Divine feminine to RISE with YOU!
I will offer teachings on alchemical interventions and guided meditation to invite the Divine Feminine to rise in greater ways of clarity, vibrancy, and empowerment in your life.
Pre-registration required:
Recurring every 1st Tuesday of the month, 7:00-7:30pm EST
Please reach out to me via email with any questions! adora@adorawinquist.com