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What we’re about

Tell me, are you truly living your life to the fullest? Or does stress, worries and anxiety bog you down? Are you on the fast road to success? Or do you crash into roadblocks? Does the world look as bright as it did to you as a child? Or has it faded, along with your vitality? Can you express yourself openly and imaginatively? Or do you clam up or say the wrong things? Is your motivation high, or do you procrastinate? Are your relationships healthy? Or do they turn toxic or go off the cliff?

Life does not have to be a minefield of stressful experiences. It starts with your own mindset. Imagine if you could break free of the mental barriers holding you down. How? That’s the subject of this group.

At our weekly Tuesday night meetings we will discuss tools and insight that open the door to putting you into control of your mindset, motivation and life.

This isn’t about simply thinking good thoughts or reciting banal platitudes. It’s about science-based practical knowledge and tools that work. It’s not about taking mind-numbing drugs to escape from it all – it’s about ways you can pull yourself up the ladder to a better life.

Most people are running at about one-twentieth of their mental power. That leaves vast room for improvement.

I created this group to help you get over painful life hurdles and losses, and better achieve your potential.

If you have an inkling that perhaps – just possibly – you and your life could be better – join in and attend our free meetings.

Organized by a life improvement specialist of the Dianetics and Scientology life improvement center.

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