A moderately graded footpath leads you through one of the largest undisturbed palm oases in the world. More than 2,500 adult palms dot the gorge, which features a gentle stream and lies at the base of the Indian Canyons Trading Post. Been coming for years and always beautiful!
From downtown, stay to the right on South Palm Canyon when the road curves left to East Palm Canyon. The tollgate is at 38520 S. Palm Canyon Drive, just a couple of miles further. From the tollgate, proceed 2.5 miles to the Palm Canyon parking lot, where the trading post is located high on a ridge. There is a nice vista view of the city from this vantage point. A trail map is available at the tollgate.
Admission to Canyon is $12 adults, $7 seniors. Bring hat, block, water, walking shoes. Afterwards, lunch downtown Palm Springs.
PS, I love you!