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What we’re about

This group is for anyone who would like to learn more about or to share their existing knowledge of the wild things and places around us. Our meetups will have a nature based theme which is will often be a seasonal event of some kind. We’ll be mostly, but not exclusively, taking walks in green places with the intention of learning something from it and each other whilst we're there. No need to bring writing apparatus, it won't be formal.
For example, we might do some wild flower ID walks in spring or visit a forest in the early hours to listen to the dawn chorus. We may go on a late night glow-worm hunt in June or go snorkeling to look for sea horses in July. alternatively we could hunt for adders and sand lizards on a sunny bank or do a mushroom foray in the Autumn. More than likely we will find a pub or two along the way.
In starting this group I hoped that it would give others an opportunity to see and appreciate a few of the natural wonders our small island has to offer. My name is Simon, I am a lifelong naturalist with an enduring love of wild places. I have no formal qualifications but I have worked outside in rural settings all my life and have gathered a wide variety of useful knowledge along the way. I have a good deal of practical insight to do wild things that I would be very happy to share and no doubt a great deal more to learn from those who may share our wild wanders.
Regarding the £2 fee for meetups. It is not my intention to make any profit from running this group. It cost about £150 per year for the group site and I estimate about another £150 for fuel costs incurred doing reccies for events. I plan to do one walk each month with 12 or so participants. This should just about cover my costs.

Upcoming events (4+)

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