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What we’re about

The centre right club

This is a social group for individuals who believe aspiration and personal accountability are good things. We want greater equality, less poverty and better public services and we believe in the importance and power of businesses and the entrepreneurial spirit in creating the jobs and wealth to support those genuinely in need. This is a group for people who believe in hand -ups before hand -outs and who believe in freedom rather than state control. This is a place for people who believe that striving to achieve things with hard work is to be respected and success celebrated. We believe that wellbeing and fulfilment comes from achieving things for yourself rather than being given things for free. We believe in growing the pie for all rather than just giving bigger slices away. We believe in intelligent debate, nuanced discourse and personal growth through a respect for differing opinions.

We are fans of Brendon O’Neil, Douglas Murray, The Spectator, The Telegraph…

This is not about whether or not you are a fan of the current government (though you may well be), in fact you may disagree with many of their decisions, this is more about the bigger issues of values and ideology which unite us.

Do you relate? Brighton can be a lonely place for those who feel drawn to the right of centre, so if you feel a yearning to meet like-minded people who share your values then please join us. Social events will vary; lunches, supper clubs, wine tastings, dinners, picnics, hikes and walks, talks or even just a coffee and cake.