What we’re about
THIS GROUP is a Fun, Friendly Social Group for Adventure-Loving Individuals to gather and seek to enjoy a variety of social and recreational activities.
We have and or will be having events in St. Louis City, West County, South County, Saint Charles, Some in Illinois
All over the St. Louis Metro Area
This meetup group will be managed by committee, So, there’s to be no one person rule. We are all Mature Adults who will show every one respect and welcome new member with open arms.
Ideas and changes will be made as a group. New ideas are always welcome with open arms.
Fun Seekers of Saint Louis is the result Individuals wanting and seeking Adventure and Fun Group Activities.
Please note that FSOSL is a "singles" group, meaning our activities are primarily geared toward unmarried individuals.) but couples are welcome too.
Here are some of the things we've done (or plan to do soon...) Octoberfest Craft Beer Tastings Halloween Parties, Happy Hours, Wine Tasting and More.
We will have small group events as-well there will be large group events too.
We are looking for event organizers, as well as host for up coming events.
If you have a event idea and you would like to be a host or a event organizer by all means, let us know.
Dining out, Food Trucks, Annual Picnics, Barbecue, Cookouts, Wineries, Happy Hours, Bar Crawls, Single Mixers, Birthday Celebrations, House Parties
Live Comedy Clubs, Open Mic, Night, Music Concerts, Outdoor Concerts, Karaoke, Dancing, Dancing Lessons, Movie, Theaters, Performing Arts, Sporting Events
( All Coming Down The Road).
Hiking, Backpacking, Nature Walks, Walking, Urban Trails, Biking, Kayaking, Canoeing, Rafting, Tube Floating, Boating, Sailing, Water, Sports, Swimming, and Pool Parties
Pickleball, Racquetball, Volleyball, Tennis Spectator, Sports Events such as Baseball Games, Football Games, Soccer Games, Basketball Games, College Sports Events
(Will Be Come Down The Road)
****Please read our Policies, Guidelines, and Code of Conduct,****
Then fill out the membership request form.
We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming event!
You must meet the following conditions to be approved as a member of FS:
1. You must be a member in good standing of Meetup
2. You must acknowledge that you will be participating in the events of FS’s of your own free will and do not hold FS nor its organizers, responsible for any injuries sustained during an event.
3. Your profile must include at least your first name. A nickname may only be used if it's the name you commonly go by.
4. Your profile must also include a photo of yourself taken within the last 2 years in which your face can be clearly seen. No one else's face, or your pets, should be visible in this photo. (Failure to maintain a current picture will be suspended until proper photo is provided. This is for the safety of our members.)
(We need to be able to easily identify you in person.)
5. You must agree to keep your RSVP status current for events that you sign up for (i.e. change your status to "Not Going" if you and/or your guest[s] no longer intend to attend an event.)
6. You must agree to enable email notifications from FS’s leadership team. (You are not required to receive event notifications, but our Organizers must be able to reach you.)
7. You will never contact other member for any form of business, political, religious solicitation of our members from our membership lists by text, email or personal contact at or during a meetup events or hand out any forms of advertisement or solicitation materials at meetup events.
8. You must read and agree to FS’s Policies, Guidelines, and Code of Conduct. (You may be denied membership or removed from the group at the Co-Organizers' discretion if you engage in inappropriate or disruptive behavior at FS’s events or due to other safety concerns.)
If you feel that you have met all of the above requirements, please complete and submit a membership request form.
This cannot be stressed enough – FS IS NOT A DATING GROUP! It's merely a group in which individuals can socialize with one another. That said, most Meetup groups tend to draw the interest of members who are looking to develop romantic relationships. So naturally, members will often meet fellow members at FS events and may start dating. This is to be expected and is perfectly within FS’s guidelines. However, there are a few rules that must be followed when dating fellow members:
- Allow connections to form organically. Don't force interactions in a way that is likely to make others feel uncomfortable or possibly even unsafe.
- You must always respect other people's boundaries! That means if someone resists/rejects your romantic advances, you MUST back off! (More on this in the "Harassment Policy" section below.)
- If a dating relationship with a fellow FS member ends, please resolve any issues you may have privately. In other words, be mature about it! Disturbances at FS events will not be tolerated, so please don't make others in the group uncomfortable by engaging in negative verbal exchanges during events. If a lingering conflict between members becomes disruptive, an organizer may be forced to intervene and restrict you and the other member from attending the same events until the conflict is resolved.
Members may use Meetup's internal private messaging (DM) system to contact organizers and fellow members, with the following restrictions:
- Do not use Meetup's messaging system to initiate unsolicited contact with people you haven't already met in person at a Meetup event.
- Members always have the option of blocking other individual members from contacting them (or blocking all private messages) via the Meetup messaging system. If you wish to block someone from messaging you, follow the process described HERE.
- Sending spam and inappropriate messages via Meetup's messaging system is prohibited. You may report these violations directly to Meetup. However, please additionally notify the Head Organizer if there are repeated instances or if you're certain that a fellow FS member is responsible for the offending message(s). To report spam or inappropriate messages sent to you via Meetup's messaging system, click HERE.
FS allows its members to leave comments and post pictures on the group's main page, as well as on individual event pages. The following rules apply to the posting of comments/photos on FS pages:
- Do not, under any circumstances, post harassing, threatening, or discriminatory comments anywhere in the STLFS Comments sections. Spamming is also strictly prohibited.
- Please refrain from posting disparaging comments pertaining to past events, event venues, or other members. (In fact, please don't post negative comments AT ALL!). If you've had a negative experience at a past event or with a specific host, simply leave a constructively critical review. If FS guidelines were violated, contact the Head Organizer to address the issue personally.
- If you have a negative opinion of a particular venue at which an event is scheduled to take place, feel free to inform the event host. Sometimes an event host has scheduled an event at a location they're unfamiliar with and sharing your opinion about the location may be helpful. Just be polite when offering suggestions.
- Please don't post comments about inclement (or simply less-than-ideal) weather being forecasted for an upcoming event. Instead, privately address your concerns with the event host. It's possible they may not be aware of the forecast and may choose to reschedule or change the event's location. (However, it's ultimately the event host's decision as to whether or not they wish to proceed with the event as scheduled. As always, if you're uncomfortable with an event organizer's decision, simply cancel your RSVP and don't attend.)
- Please refrain from using the Comments section to suggest informal, impromptu meetings with other members that aren't officially-sanctioned Meetup events, as doing so may compromise your or other members' safety. You may, however, post event ideas and solicit feedback to gauge other members' interest. If you do have an idea for an event, feel free to recommend it to a FS event organizer. (Or better yet, apply to become an event organizer yourself! We can always use more organizers.)
- Posting pictures that are distasteful or that are meant to cause shame, embarrassment, or discomfort to other members or their guests is strictly prohibited.
- Any comments or pictures which violate the above rules will result in the offending comment/picture being deleted. Violations of the photo-posting and/or “harassing comments” policies may result in the member being reported to Meetup, as well as either a warning, suspension, or expulsion from FS, depending on the severity of the violation.
While STLFS does not currently require that masks be worn at events, members are encouraged to observe COVID-related rules, including mask mandates and vaccination requirements, posted at private businesses where events are being held. Members are also encouraged to observe government-mandated COVID restrictions within communities and jurisdictions where such rules are being enforced. Furthermore, individual organizers have the right to require that masks be worn at the events they're hosting. If you choose not to comply with such requests, simply don't attend these events. (Event hosts may NOT, however, turn away attendees that DO choose to wear masks, provided the attendees clearly identify themselves.)
Neither Meetup, FS, nor individual event organizers are responsible for any injury or illness sustained by group members at FS -sanctioned events. Nevertheless, because FS events routinely involve physically challenging activities, attendees face a heightened risk of injury. Here are a few things to consider when signing up for an outdoor recreational event:
- Please be mindful of your physical limitations and don't sign up for events you may not be ready for. That said, even the most fit/athletic individual can sustain injuries while engaging in recreational activities, so please exercise caution when attending physically-demanding events.
- As many FS events take place out in nature, always be observant and respectful of wildlife, and understand that being outdoors makes one vulnerable to bites, stings, and allergic reactions.
- While event organizers are instructed to be aware of the potential for inclement weather conditions during their events, there's always the possibility of being caught out in torrential rain, hail, high winds, lightning, flooding, and other types of severe weather, without adequate shelter. Bottom line: When you're spending time outdoors, ALWAYS BE PREPARED!
At certain events, such as game nights and picnics, members will often bring games that some other members may find objectionable due to risqué content and/or offensive language. These games are allowed, but will be confined to a designated area or table(s) separate from where other games are being played or other activities are taking place. Members participating in "adult-oriented" games are still expected to be respectful toward other members. Under all circumstances, please refrain from directing innuendo at specific members or purposely attempting to make other members feel embarrassed or uncomfortable.
***FS isn't the place for political discourse! ***Please refrain from engaging in dialogue that is overtly political or that involve topics that are generally regarded as controversial or divisive.
FS strives to create an inclusive environment for all members. While organizers are allowed to host religious-themed events, FS does not endorse any specific religion or faith-based organization.
Occasionally, an organizer may choose to host an event at a private residence or on private property. Please observe the following guidelines for these events:
- It is particularly important that the host(s') rules be respected, as the individual property-owner's rules supersede those of FS and Meetup.
- Members should be especially careful to observe rules regarding RSVP status and the invitation of guests for these events.
- Note that hosts of events at private residences will usually require attendees to have attended a minimum number of prior events.
- If a member feels that FS and/or Meetup rules were being flagrantly disregarded at an event that took place at a private residence, please contact an organizer or member of the leadership team as such violations may be cause for the discontinuation of further FS-sanctioned events at said residence/property.
Event organizers may determine how many (if any) guests a member may bring with them to their event. Do NOT bring a guest(s) without adding them to your RSVP or otherwise receiving permission from the event organizer beforehand. Remember that you are responsible for any guest you bring to a FS event! Violations of FS rules by a guest may result in disciplinary action of the accompanying member and the offending guest being banned from future events.
Trained and licensed/certified service and support/therapy animals are welcome at all events, as long as they are permitted by the event venue or property owner. Otherwise, it will be left to each individual event organizer's discretion as to whether or not pets will be allowed at their respective events. For the safety of your pet and other event attendees, pets that are brought to FS-sanctioned events must be kept in cages/kennels or on leashes at all times and must be up-to-date on all required vaccinations. Neither Meetup nor FS are responsible for injured/lost pets or any injuries sustained by fellow event attendees at FS-sanctioned events.
Actions or the use of language and/or humor that discriminates against groups or individuals on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual identity/orientation is strictly prohibited. Members should also avoid language and/or humor relating to gender, age, and disability, which other members may find offensive or hurtful.
To reiterate, FS is NOT a dating group. Please be respectful of other people's boundaries. The following rules concerning verbal and physical interaction must be observed:
- If another member requests that you discontinue communication with them, you MUST respect their wishes. This includes contact via Meetup's messaging system and the public Comments section. If someone continues to attempt communication with you after you've explicitly requested that they stop, please contact the Head Organizer. Repeat violators face disciplinary action, including possible suspension or expulsion from FS and being reported to Meetup.)
- Members are strongly discouraged from engaging in any physical contact with other members beyond normal social greetings. While you may occasionally see hugs between members who have an already-established mutual rapport and sincere friendship with one another, hugs are rarely a good idea unless you're very familiar with the other person. Even an innocent, "friendly" hug or sustained physical contact may make someone feel uncomfortable and could potentially be construed as inappropriate touching. Therefore, it's always best to limit physical contact and respect other people's personal space.
- If a member asks not to be touched, you MUST respect their request and not touch them, even if they've allowed you to do so previously.
- Do NOT initiate sexually-suggestive dialogue with another member, especially one you're not already well-acquainted with.
- Any action that constitutes criminal sexual harassment or assault will result in immediate expulsion from FS and the member being reported to Meetup (for likely expulsion from Meetup), and to the appropriate legal authorities.
In addition to sexual harassment/assault, FS has a zero-tolerance policy for the following offenses:
- Any act of criminal violence toward a fellow member, host, or any non-member at a FS-sanctioned event is grounds for immediate expulsion from the group. The incident will also be reported to Meetup (for likely expulsion from Meetup), and, if appropriate, to legal authorities.
- Any incident involving the verbal abuse of a fellow member, host, or any non-member at a FS-sanctioned event will be referred to the Head Organizer and may result in either a warning, suspension, or expulsion, depending on the circumstances and the severity of the offense.
- Any blatant use of racial, ethnic, or homophobic slurs will result in immediate expulsion from FS and will be reported to Meetup for possible disciplinary action.
- Any other incident involving criminal conduct (such as theft, vandalism, etc.) during a FS -sanctioned event will result in immediate expulsion from FS and will be reported to Meetup for disciplinary action, as well as to the appropriate legal authorities.
Members with concerns about criminal or illegal activity should contact the event organizer and/or Head Organizer immediately. However, if you feel that you or others are in imminent danger, contact 911 rather than finding an organizer.
You may report threatening or harassing behavior, as well as dangerous and/or illegal activities by emailing Meetup directly at the following address: abuse@meetup.com
An event organizer has the authority to ask any attendee at their event to leave if the attendee is in violation of the rules detailed above OR any rules specific to their event. If a member and/or guest show up at an event they did not RSVP to or are on a wait list for, the event organizer has the right to request that the member/guest leave a private residence/property or an area/table where FS members are located. Organizers cannot force members to leave a public location. However, flagrant attempts to circumvent the event's RSVP and wait list policy may result in the member being referred to the Head Organizer for possible disciplinary action.)
Any actions/incidents described above that don't warrant immediate dismissal from the group will result in the following:
- 1st Offense - Verbal warning
- 2nd Offense - Suspension from all FS activities for a period of 3 months and referral to Meetup for possible disciplinary action
- 3rd Offense - Permanent expulsion from FS and referral to Meetup for possible disciplinary action
And as noted above, any serious offense or criminal conduct will result in immediate and permanent expulsion from FS, referral to Meetup, and, if appropriate, being reported to legal authorities.
FS reserves the right to alter the above policies as needed in order to better serve our membership. Members will be notified via email of any changes made to FS Policies, Guidelines, and Code of Conduct.
Please remember that all Meetup organizers are volunteers. While they may enjoy themselves at their events and the companionship of fellow members, keep in mind that they bear a certain degree of responsibility for the enjoyment of their events' attendees, not to mention the fact that they must make all the necessary arrangements, post event details on the app/website, and manage post-event comments and photos. Sometimes, they even expend their own money and/or personal resources to make the event more fun for everyone. So PLEASE always try to be respectful and appreciative toward our organizers. Without them, none of this would be possible.