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What we’re about

Sunday chill bicycle ride in different neighborhoods around Austin. We ride 10 -12 miles. No drop. Easy pace. We see all the cool quirky parts of Austin.
We will ride in light rain. Rides will be cancelled in advance if more than a 50-60% chance of thunderstorms. We typically have a bonus ride of an additional 10-15 miles a little faster for those who want more miles.
Being outdoors and moving on bicycles we have some natural distancing. 
Our Rides - See past rides for the maps and photos. Also all rides are on my public Strava.
Bluebonnet / Zilker
Palmer & Duval / North Walnut creek
Mueller & Cherrywood
The Avenues
Capitol to St Eds
Brykerwoods / Old west Austin
UT Campus / Downtown
Shady Hollow
Circle C & Veloway
South Austin
Walnut Creek trail
Butler Bike trail / Lady Bird lake
Tarry Town
Shoal Creek Bike trail
Travis Country
Cedar Park / Brushy Creek
Northwest Hills
South Austin / Western Oaks
We will go to the the following towns once in a while