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What we’re about

Welcome, we are here to Make new Friends! \

This is for Male & Female Adults. \

Dining & Drinks, Theatre, Cinema, Afternoon Tea, Coffee, 10 Pin Bowling, Crazy Golf, Dancing, Live Music, etc \

Outdoors, Walking, Camping/ Glamping, Kayaking, Sailing, Outdoor Swimming, Kipping on the Beach, etc \

We are open to new events/ Activities.
Sadly Corvid 19 has stopped/ curtailed many activities and we are looking for new guide lines/ rules all the time to manage our events safely and inline with local and National Rules as and when they change.
The Aim of "JUST GOOD FRIENDS", (henceforth referred to as The Group) is a means for people to take part in various social activities in a safe and friendly atmosphere. The Group is open to anyone who is a fit and proper person.
Our activities are typically eating out, going for a drink (Coffee / Alcohol), walking (with dogs or without) etc. If a Member has a particular interest, they are free to propose or even organise an Event via a Committee Member of which there are 4:
• Peter Walmsley - Chair
• Robert Jackson - Treasurer.

• Vacant - Secretary.

• Lorraine Green - Member Co-Ordinator.

Membership. A person may attend a maximum of 1 Event as a Guest before deciding whether or not to join The Group. (Anyone can apply to join The Group, however, The Committee reserves the right to refuse/ exclude any person who is deemed unacceptable for whatever reason, and their decision is absolute.) Annual membership is £10.00 and is due on the 2nd Event and then annually there after.
Members must conduct themselves in a proper and appropriate fashion, with due regard for the feelings and sensibilities of others. As the name indicates, The Groups function is to create friends, not acrimony and ill-feeling. If a member has a problem, there is a complaints procedure (see below), and it should be taken up with the Member Co-Ordinator.
First and Surnames (or initial), as well as a recognisable photo on the Meetup Website, are always helpful for the purposes of recognition at an Event and subsequent communications. (if you do not feel comfortable with this - Its okay, but bear in mind that if 2 Members are using the same first name only, this may cause confusion). Please note that this is a "Closed Group" and therefore Photographs are not public; they are visable to The Group Members only. A phone number and email address are also useful for the purposes of contact by The Group only.
When Booking on to an EVENT and you subsequently find that you cannot make it for a whatever reason, please change your RSVP to "Not Going" and let the Event HOST know ASAP please. There may be a waiting list and this will allow someone else to use your place. If you are shy and find it difficult to meet strangers, let the EVENT HOST know and they will meet you are the EVENT entrance to provide reassurance and effect introductions to the other members.
COMMITTEE members and EVENT HOSTS meet on a regular basis, at least once a month, to discuss any pertinent issues and matters which may have arisen. 
The Group is an informal one, and as such cannot take responsibility for individuals attending EVENTS This is particularly the case at EVENTS involving physical activity such as walking, travelling etc. It is beholden on individual members to take responsibility for their own safety and conduct themselves in a fit & proper fashion.
Complaints Procedure: A complaint should initially be directed to the Member Co-Ordinator (or their delegate). Should the complaint not be satisfied, it will be taken to the COMMITTEE for a Resolution. If the issue is still unresolved, the chair (or their delegate) will make the final decision which is absolute.