What we’re about
This Meetup group is for people who are NOT social media professionals, and who are business professionals who would say Yes to any one or more of these questions:
• Do you want to learn more about social media and related topics?
• Do your competitors have a stronger social media presence than you do?
• Do you get frustrated when people tease you for not being “social media savvy?”
• Do you dread using social media?
• Do you like to help others use social media more effectively and productively?
The Simplify Your Social Media Meetup Group offers you a free monthly opportunity to learn more about social media and related topics in a fun, interactive setting with typically 15-25 participants at each gathering.
Our meetings start with brief introductions by attendees, followed by a presentation by group organizer Joyce Feustel or someone else in the social media or related field, and conclude with informal networking.
We meet on the 2nd Tuesday from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. Mountain Time. We meet virtually via Zoom. When you RSVP for any of our meetings, you will get access to the link for the Zoom meeting.
Please note that this is a group for business people, and we do not tolerate any inappropriate private messages sent to a member via Meetup or via the chat feature in Zoom.
If you receive such a message, please report it to Joyce immediately via Zoom and also the name of person sending it. We have banned people from the group when they have violated this rule.
If you are interested in speaking to our group, submit your topic idea and some information about yourself to joyce@boomerssocialmediatutor.com
You can also connect with Joyce at:
Learn more about her and her services at: