What we’re about
Please DO NOT Request Access unless you are a TCC Dues-Paid Member.
Thread City Cyclers is a cycling club, based out of North Windham, CT. This Meetup Group Page is used for communication of TCC Club Rides and other activities for current (active & dues-paid) members of Thread City Cyclers.
If you are interested in learning more about TCC and joining us, please visit http://www.threadcitycyclers.com and follow the link to "Join Us".
Or send an email to Threadcitycyclers@gmail.com.
***ONLY MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING (paid up on annual dues) WILL BE ADDED TO THIS Meetup Group.***
IF you are using only your first name for your Meetup profile, please expect to receive a Meetup message (it's the only way to reach you), asking for your last name so we can confirm club membership.
Thank you for your understanding.
The following Waiver of Liability (from the TCC Membership Application) is copied here and applies to your participation in any and all events or activities (cycling or other types) publicized on these pages.
"I acknowledge, agree and represent that I understand the nature of the bicycling activity (the “Activity”) sponsored by the Thread City Cyclers Cycling Club (the “Club”) and that I am qualified to participate in such Activity. I further acknowledge that the Activity will be conducted over public roads and facilities open to the public and to which hazards of traveling may be present. I further agree and warrant that if I believe condition to be unsafe, that I will immediately cease participation in the particular Activity.
I also understand that it is essential that I follow all established traffic rules and laws and ride in a manner that does not directly intend harm to others riding with me. I have read the attached TCC Rules of the Road and will abide by them on all TCC sponsored club events.
I further understand the (a) the Activity involves substantial risks and danger of serious bodily harm, including permanent disability, paralysis and deaths (“Risks”) (b) these Risks may be caused by my own activities, or inaction, the action or inaction of others participating in the Activity, the condition in which the Activity takes place, or the negligence of the Releases named below;
In consideration of the Club accepting this membership application, I for myself, my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators and assign, hereby release, absolve and forever discharge the Club, its sponsors, their respective officers, agents and any other associated persons, from and against any fault, blame, warranty, responsibility or liability from any injury, misadventure, harm, loss or damage I suffer or sustain or which occurs to my equipment as a result of participation in any ride, event, or other activity of the club."