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What we’re about

Have you experienced traumatic events, losses and disappointments, as well as running into barriers you didn’t understand or got overwhelmed by? Have you had experiences that were painful, both physically and emotionally? You didn’t just leave these things in your past.

Whether you are fully aware of it or not, these incidents have followed you in your life and they have reduced your happiness and they have also inhibited your effectiveness. You may not know exactly how, but you are certainly aware that this has happened. The million dollar question is: can anything be done about it??

Join this group, attend our weekly meetings, and:

Find out very specifically how past negative experiences are affecting you in life currently

Discover exactly how your mind processes these things, and how you come to be in the grips of emotions and attitudes that are not within your own control

Learn how you can actually overcome these influences and become the you that you have always wanted to be

In this group you will get actual tools and real answers that you can use to make things go in your life the way you want them to go. You will learn how to tap all of your potential as an individual. We look forward to working together with you to make this happen.

This meetup group is sponsored by the Dianetics and Scientology Life Improvement Center of Pasadena

Upcoming events (2)

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