What we’re about
Welcome Euchre, Hearts and Spades players of all skill sets. If you're interested in learning, we will teach you!!
Please join if you are interested in playing Euchre every second Tuesday with a partner, or if you're single, you'll get matched up on game day. We also play Hearts and Spades alternating every second Monday.
Currently we play at two bars in SE Portland. Lucky Lab every second Tuesday and Loyal Legion every second Monday. Food and drink is available at both places.
The MOST IMPORTANT part of being in the group and attending events is to make sure your RSVP is correct. If you sign up, I expect you will play and show up and keep note of the date you signed up. If you can't make it, then change your RSVP to not going.
Because of the nature of Euchre, Spades and Hearts, groups of four need to play together. If you decide to not show at the last moment, you will make 3 other players not able to play. Attendance and respect for not being a no show is paramount. We realize life gets in the way sometimes and emergencies happen, but not showing without advance notice or a good reason is not acceptable. Sorry for having to mention this, but it is important! It is important you take note of events you sign up for, and put them on your calendar. If you go on the waitlist, and remain on the waitlist, it means to me "I want to play, can play and will show if moved before noon day of the event". I count on you to schedule numbers, so you need to monitor your events and the waitlist if you join!
If you no-show, which includes cancelling with short notice, and don't have a good excuse, you may be removed from the group. Sorry, but we just can't condone participants not showing, unless they have a good reason. Too many players and waitlisters WANT to play and you not showing affects them.
The group is evolving, and new players are getting the hang of the games. As we get more advanced, we'll respect Euchre etiquette. This may take time. For advanced players, please be cognizant that there will be new players just learning sometime.
Each week we will endeavor to have a small round robin tournament, with a small prize to the winners, and the right to hold the coveted trophy for a two week period.
AS PART OF THE GROUP YOU NEED TO HAVE THE MEETUP APP ON YOUR PHONE AND BE ABLE TO RECEIVE MESSAGES AND REPLY TO THEM. As a newbie, I will confirm with you the first one or two times to make sure you will be showing up. I will send you a message after you join the group and will appreciate a reply. Thanks.
Upcoming events (2)
See all- Euchre Night [Multi Partner]Lucky Labrador Brew Pub, Portland, OR
Multi-partner play. Four games, then playoffs.
Please no cancelling day of event after noon unless an emergency. I will probably wait until the last day to move the last group of 4 with 6 or more on the waitlist. Please do not stay on the waitlist last day if you do not intend on playing if moved.
IF YOU GO ON THE WAITLIST I WILL ADD YOU IN GROUPS OF 4. I WILL MESSAGE YOU AND WOULD APPRECIATE A RESPONSE TO CONFIRM. I WILL GENERALLY NOT MOVE THE LAST GROUP UNTIL THE LAST DAY. Please don't stay on the waitlist unless you plan on playing if moved. You will need to know how to see and respond to direct messages on meetup. Please try to give ample advance notice (24 hours if possible) if you can't make it unless you have a last minute emergency.
92nd Euchre night at Lucky Lab Hawthorne.
Lucky Labrador Brewing Company | Hawthorne 2022
(503) 236-3555
We need a minimum 20 players for this event. I'll be adding people from the waitlist in groups of 4. All I ask if that if you confirm, that if you can't make it, please give a minimum 1 day advance notice or more, so that we can be assured of getting multiples of 4. If we have an odd number, I will do my best to have myself swap out, or bring more warm bodies to make up multiples of 4. It is up to YOU to update your RSVP if you can't make it, and please do it at least a day in advance. If you go on the waitlist, this means to me, "I can play day of, and I WILL play day of if moved to going". If you are on the waitlist, I expect you will check your status day of by noon, and show up if moved to "going". If you cannot make the day of, you need to take yourself OFF the waitlist before I move you. I can't say this enough that scheduling groups of 4 needs you to be accountable. Thank you!
Each game will have 4 players. Depending on how many people show up, if there is an odd amount of people, some may swap out. Beginners are welcome - please indicate in RSVP whether you know how to play Euchre or not. If not, we will go easy on you and team you up with myself or another player that can teach you.
Keep your RSVP up to date, and if you can't make it, update at least a day in advance so someone on the waitlist can go.
Expectation is that we will start shortly after 6:15 PM after getting your partner, and play a minimum of 4 games. Please expect that your partner will expect you to play till approximately 9:15, so if you need to leave early, please do not RSVP.
We will have a small round robin tourney with a minimum 4 games, and the winning team will get a small prize and the right to hold the winning "trophy" for a two week period :)
Some players do not have Euchre experience and can be "coached", so expert Euchre players may experience true Euchre etiquette not followed to the letter of the law. For games with 4 experienced Euchre players it is expected the proper Euchre etiquette be followed including calling trump or passing without delay, paying attention to cards played etc.
As the group grows and players get more experienced, proper Euchre etiquette will be increasingly followed. Experienced players should be patient with newcomers until this happens.
We have had a couple of instances where participants have decided at the last moment to not show. The nature of Euchre demands that there be four players per game. If you decide to not show, it affects up to 3 other players. Sometimes circumstances make it impossible to show up, I realize our lives are complicated, but if this happens you need to mark your RSVP. Anyone not showing or cancelling day of without a good excuse will be marked as a no show - I'm very sorry for having to state this.
See this youtube video if you are new to Euchre and would like an overview of the game:
Meetup leaders are unpaid volunteers and claim no special expertise or knowledge. By attending this meetup, you agree that you are responsible for your own health and safety and decision making and that the organizer(s)/host(s) will not be held liable for any injury or health issue you sustain while in attendance. We will participate as a group but ultimately YOU are responsible for your own experience, safety, and decision-making.