What we’re about
Let's choose a book (all genre, but any sf/f fans out there raise hand) once a month and meet up a few times to chat about what we've read. Let's make it light and fun. Somewhere like a coffee shop or beer garden. We can also have a discord group to discuss your favorite books and poll for next books and such. If you want to read more good books with good people and have some fun along the way, come join us! Also, I don't love the meetup app for communication (still will be answering messages of course), so I made a discord server for us to chat about books and such. If you haven't used discord before, it's a great tool for connecting with your clubs/organizations and is free to use. Just click on the link! It's probably easier to use if you download the app as well haha. https://discord.gg/GXKkhrsPWJ